I JUST switched over to Linux and am trying my hand at gaming. Learned about Luanti and got VoxelLibre going. Game’s great, but the lack of sprint is killing me… Looked for mods that would support it, but people were saying that the only one made stopped working.
Are there any good and active (in development) Minecraft clones that have that feature?
What is stopping you from playing Minecraft itself on Linux?
I haven’t played it in a while, but it did work perfectly fine last time I tried it. It is written in Java, after all.
What is stopping you from playing Minecraft itself on Linux?
I wanted to try something new.
Voxelibre has sprinting. Hold E to sprint, you’ll go a bit faster and use hunger points. There’s also a privilege you can grant yourself to significantly up your top speed. (I think this is more of a luanti thing than voxelibre specific)
/grant singleplayer fast
Voxelibre’s developers want to start taking it in its own direction such that it’s no longer a Minecraft clone, if you want a more faithful Minecraft experience then checkout Mineclonia.
Also I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that Minecraft java edition will just work on Linux.
Voxelibre does have sprint, its ‘aux_1’ in the settings. Left Ctrl by default I think?
Look at Vintage Story, not really Minecraft other than voxel based, more of a survival game. It’s a lot of fun though
Vintage Story is fantastic. It was described to me initially as ‘Minecraft for adults’ and it really lives up to that description. Also has a very vibrant modding community with a ton of well-maintained mods and installation is a single click on the official website. Highly recommend.
+1 for VS. Still haven’t found enough copper, though… Maybe one day.
If you mean “enough copper to make a pickaxe and hammer”, panning is by far the most reliable method. If you mean “Enough copper to make everything I want to make with it”, are you using a prospecting pick? (If not, do so.)
I am using a prospecting pic (poorly).
I never really learned how to prospect. I guess I’ll read the guide again
If we’re going that far from Minecraft, don’t forget the impressive Veloren ;)
i feel ashamed to have thought it was just a modpack for minecraft initially but looking at a few videos it really is an entirely different beast!
The authors first built Minecraft mods so it is an evolution of it!