The Falkland Islands dispute has been solved. Apparently, they are neither without or outside of Argentina. Everyone is happy!
All of human knowledge in two books
Greenland: no data
Technically, Aren’tgentina includes EVERYTHING except Argentina, like the ocean, Mars, and any point in the universe.
But does it include every point beneath Argentina’s surface?
So, they Weregentinas the whole time…
But only when there was a full moon and the Weregentinians transformed!
I am pro Vagentinians
Damn, I are not gentina
Disappointed that Greenland and West Sahara have data… But at least NZ is missing
Here from Aren’tgentina :) 🇧🇷 🇧🇷
Wrong! I’m in the embarrassed bit.
Don’t see Australia on here. Chart is incorrect. Delete account in shame.
Can’t tell the colour of the Fuckin Islands.