Yes there is. I’d probably never have found out about variant Sudoku without Cracking the Cryptic. I get valuable rock climbing tips from professional climbers and coaches on YouTube and employ them often successfully in the climbing gym. I learn about weird weapons from that blacksmith guy that i can use in my TTRPGs and that’s not even taking about the science channels.
Of course it you don’t curate your subscribed channels and just browse home it’s probably gonna suck and be full of clickbait
Is there though?
Yes there is. I’d probably never have found out about variant Sudoku without Cracking the Cryptic. I get valuable rock climbing tips from professional climbers and coaches on YouTube and employ them often successfully in the climbing gym. I learn about weird weapons from that blacksmith guy that i can use in my TTRPGs and that’s not even taking about the science channels.
Of course it you don’t curate your subscribed channels and just browse home it’s probably gonna suck and be full of clickbait
So you’re the person who watches those medieval weapon tutorials. I wondered how those stayed alive.
if you cant find good content on yourube you’re just relying on the algorithim maybe? Try searching for things you’re interested in lol