undercover cops aren’t the secret police. ICE is the secret police. they operate completely immune to transparency and local control and with only secret courts to oversee their warrants
They wash the same hands and serve the same purpose. Undercover, act like a random citizen in public, being a watchful eye for the state.
ICE has secret courts, undercover agents use public courts, but the difference is just one happens in newspapers slightly more often. Either way, your life is fucked if either one wants you, even if you’re innocent.
undercover cops aren’t the secret police. ICE is the secret police. they operate completely immune to transparency and local control and with only secret courts to oversee their warrants
They wash the same hands and serve the same purpose. Undercover, act like a random citizen in public, being a watchful eye for the state.
ICE has secret courts, undercover agents use public courts, but the difference is just one happens in newspapers slightly more often. Either way, your life is fucked if either one wants you, even if you’re innocent.
In this thread, I will discuss how to build an improvised claymore.
To begin you’ll need the following.
A 3/4" x 3" x 5" steel plate
Gunpowder or similar, packed flat and tight,
A push ignitor from a stick lighter
Shrapnel ( bolts, screws, BBs, anything small and metal.
Duct tape, wire, and fishing line.
all police are fucked but not all fucked police are secret police