If we MUST eat a entire bag of Oreos.
Which scenario is better?
- Eat the entire bag in 30 minutes
- Eat the bag slowly, and evenly throughout a day?
this is the kinda thing the Internet was made for
I’ve solved that problem by buying two bags. One to eat all at once. And one to spread out over the rest of the day.
Technically the entire bag all at once will raise blood sugar higher, causing a bigger spike. The liver can’t deal with that much, so it converts the excess to fat faster than if it is spread out. The bigger problem is making it a habit of surprising your metabolism with huge calorie spikes with starvation in-between. One time isn’t bad enough to be concerned with. Weekly, or even daily will wreck your liver (non alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD is just a couple steps away from cirrhosis)
Also, I’m no doctor nor do I have any background in the medical field. I just have a more progressed version of NAFLD from eating things like Oreos with both hands for forty years.
That make alot of sense. I’m sorry you have NAFLD, is it getting better now?
Zero symptoms. It’s something very common, and usually discovered by coincidence. But I’m down 40 pounds so far. My grandmother died of non-alcoholic cirrhosis. It was horrifying to watch as a teen. Now that I’m in my forties this diagnosis, which is common, seriously scares the hell out of me. So I take it as a good thing that I am using to make lifelong changes. Crossing my fingers. I still want to lose 20-30 pounds. If nothing else I’m saving great money avoiding the convenience food I abused on a daily basis. And I’m getting really into working out and am hoping to get some “gains” in the next couple months.
that sounds really healthy! keep up the good work.
So the question seems to be answered at this point, but on a related note, does anyone else hate that fucking packaging? It never really seals properly, and accessing the cookies on the outer rows is difficult. If you try to reseal it often and make it last a while they fucking go stale.
Probably be design to force you to eat them quickly or throw them away. Either way you’re buying more sooner. Here in Europe I don’t remember seeing those trays often and mostly the tubes ones, these are better at keeping them fresh.
I’m in Europe and Oreo boxes are waaaay smaller. It’s crazy what Americans are used to buy.
All else being equal, spread out so not to induce a sugar rush/diabetic shock.
Oreo’s have had all their flavor sucked out of them through enshitification—and to make you eat more to feel satisfied.
Go to any grocery store (like TJ’s) and just buy “Sandwich Cookies.” THEY taste like Oreos used to.
(But, you have to eat them fast as they degrade quickly like actual food, something Oreos isn’t.)
Eat em all at once. Right before your appointment at the dentist to have your teeth cleaned
Immediately after the tuna salad sandwich. Heck, treat yourself to a big glass of milk with those cookies, too.
Or a milk and onion smoothie
Not to judge you or anything but I’m judging you
Put them in the other room so that you save some for later, and then keep going back at intervals for just one more, until suddenly there are none left.
Eating sugary stuff that sticks in your teeth continuously throughout the day is the worst possible you can do for the teeth.
Binge eating sweets is pretty bad for blood sugar.
So to balance it out eat a third after every meal for max health and enjoyment.
So do a line after you dine?
More enjoyment if you spread it out over the whole day, plus you won’t barf. You might shit liquid, but y’know, lesser evil I’d say.
People barf from binge eating stuff? :o
Yeah, there’s a finite amount of room in there, where else it is supposed to go?
The second stomach ig? 👍
The package is conveniently divided into breakfast, lunch, and dinner rows.
We call that doing lines around these parts.
If you are intermittent fasting, then eat in one 30 minute window. If not, no fucking idea.
One sleeve per bite. Take one sleeve in the morning and one in the evening. Call me in the morning.
As a Canadian, unfortunately the answer is now to not eat them at all because they are an American product. This breaks my heart because I am the type of person that would eat an entire bag throughout the day :(
This breaks my heart because I am the type of person that would eat an entire bag throughout the day :(
It gets easier, trust me. We’ve been boycotting American (and more) products over here for a while, I barely miss anything anymore.
What about Canadian off-brand? Is that a thing? Like at Canadamart or Tim Horton’s or wherever y’all shop?
technically it’s an off off brand because Oreos themselves are an off brand
True, but Hydrox is also American, so no dice.
darn :(, I tried
We have “Eat the Middle First” but they’re not that great sadly
So Canada doesn’t have decent cookies either?
I tried them once (in EU) to see what those famous cookies were like and they’re crap.
Not even mediocre.
Yes that’s very on point for the question being asked, thanks.
A dentist once answered this question. Better to eat it at once than soak your teeth in sugar for the entire day. Even better if you brush your teeth after, of course.
Better for your teeth, sure. Nutritionally, I’m pretty sure it’s better to spread it out.
Nutritionally, it’s terrible either way.
I think your body would have a better time with it spread out over the course of the entire day. However you’re still absorbing an insane amount of sugar in a single day.
There’s a chance all at once would result in more of it being pooped out and thus be better … but it’s so close to just eating sugar I expect you’d absorb it and then your body would go into overdrive producing insulin.
Fine every now and then, but regularly it would be insanely bad no matter which way you do it.
Fatty liver or rotten teeth… Tough choice.
Just brush your teeth after each cookie.