In Australia, we have the farcical Clive Palmer, a mining billionaire.

Palmer founded and chaired the United Australia Party, whose party slogan was “Make Australia Great,” which has recently deregistered (again!) and has effectively re-formed as the Trumpet of Patriots party. The UAP has a total of one seat in the parliament’s upper house, no seats in the lower house, and one seat in three different local governments across the country (there are over 500 local govs) - which would be less embarrassing if they hadn’t spent 123 million AUD (over 75 million USD) on the last federal election alone. They’re most well know for their obnoxious and expensive advertising campaigns, which clearly aren’t enough. Recent newspaper example. [heads up: gender binary propaganda]

Palmer, unlike Trump, wasn’t a media personality, lacks charisma and doesn’t appear to have the same establishment support that Trump had, only companies taking their money for ad spots. Unless you’re an absolute cooker who looks at Trump and says ‘that’s what we need!’ (rare over here, even before the recent isolationism), Palmer is a joke flushing money down the loo.

Dishonourable mention: the Western Australia independent senator who legally changed their name to Austin “Aussie” Trump as “a political protest”.

Originally a Labor MLC, Mr Trump was expelled from the party after pleading guilty to 35 breaches of a domestic violence restraining order, related to his former partner.

He switched to One Nation and had been tapped to lead their Legislative Council ticket, only for party leader Pauline Hanson to dump him from the role.

  • Narri
    8 hours ago

    Well our current president, who looks like a reptilian zombie with a human skin oddly draped over him, campaigned with the thought of “allowing NATO nuclear weapons on our soil”, and if it weren’t for the fact that he has been, was, is, and will forever be a capitalist right-wing populist of the worst kind, that might’ve been the final straw for not voting for him.

    Others still “serving” our great nation include the speaker of the parliament, who is a straight up far-righter; a racist and a fascist. He used to be the leader of our far-right party, but after failing in the presidential elections he switched to his current position. Then there’s the leader of the far-right party, who serves as our minister of finance. She also seems like a horrible human being who deserves to get from a bullet, as she is responsible for the cuts in aid all the poor, the sick, the children, the young, the students and the immigrants, most of all who are not-as-wealthy-as-her here have faced after the last government took power.

    And then there’s of course our prime minister, who is nothing but a puppet of the far-right, though he represents the same party as the president had, the right populists. An insidious kind of a fucking mitten who should die with the rest of them.

    8 hours ago

    In Germany we have…

    Markus Söder, who changes his opinion faster than the wind turns and likes to put his face on anything; Shirts, cups, giant chocolate eggs, you name it. He also was very big on making Bavaria a german Cape Canaveral. No Idea what happened to that. But he is a huge populist, so probably nothing.

    Then there is Friedrich Merz, our soon to be chancellor. He comes off as cold, mysogynist and increadibly out of touch. Under his leadership his party (CDU) has slowly veered to the far right, integrating nazi viewpoints into their programm.

    These two on their own are just right asshats, who can’t compare to Trump’s bullshit (yet), but if you would fuse them together… maybe?

    9 hours ago

    Markus Söder, leader of CSU and minister president of Bavaria.

    Constantly raging against progressive politics and culture like a little child. Always working towards Bavaria getting special treatment from all other states in Germany. He even publicly visited a Mc Donalds right after Trump did. He’s just not as rich and powerful fortunately.

    12 hours ago

    Brazil have Bolsonaro, but at least our government is not based on vibes but in actual checks and balances (kinda) and he lost his political rights, can’t participate in politics until 2030 and is probably going to jail.

    13 hours ago

    I mean Trump is the discount Berlusconi, Italy has the weird ability to pioneer some of the worst politics imaginable.

      9 hours ago

      Would’ve sworn Potatohead/Voldemort was a caretaker and they’d switch for the election. Instead the shit stain is neck and neck (according to Murdoch polls). Wtf is wrong with this country, we see Trump and go ‘hold my beer’. May not be the worst timeline, but it ain’t good.

  • richieadler 🇦🇷
    14 hours ago

    Yes, Milei in Argentina.

    He copies all the stupid measures Trump applies in the US, including the denial of the existence of trans people and the fact that women killings are hate crimes. He’s literally destroying the state from inside.

    John Oliver did a piece on him.