First of all, Welcome! I’m genuinely glad you decided to join!
That said,
Swearing on Lemmy is actually mandatory and any posts found not containing any swearwords will be promptly removed and you will be permanently banned. These communities strive to reverse the damage done by algorithmically induced self censorship by requiring all participants to swear as much as possible.
Also, censoring non swearwords like “dead” or “sex” that traditionally incur negative algorithmic interactions will also be sacked in addition to previously listed repercussions.
Thank you.
What you’re not going to give a call out to the second best conservative community on Lemmy?
Where’s your fucking swear word?
When you swear you make baby jesus cry.
Not in this fucking post.
Ok then.
Happy now?
That’ll do pig, that’ll do.
Shit fire! SMCF on my thread? in this economy?
yall this here’s a bona fide minor lemmy celebrity!
in my own home?
Ah yes [email protected] for if you want to poke at the few Lemmy conservatives
Or the #1 Lemmy conservative comm (if you want to meme about them) [email protected]