I think this is a fair question, I’ve thought some on it. It really is about the nuclear option for decorum. If the ones remaining speak out now that’s Pandora’s box. I would argue it’s far, far beyond that - but if they still believe the system can be “saved” then I think they’ll hold the line. If they did I think it would be as a group and only if it was dire.
Let’s ask them what they think
Clinton: He should fuck more staff members
Bush: He should invade more countries
Obama: He should drone strike more weddings, schools, and hospitals
Biden: and by the way… and by the way… and by the way…
No offense, but they did their time. If we want change, it should come from regular citizens.
We are not the Home of the Brave. And because of that we are not the Land of the Free.
The lyrics to the National Anthem has become a f*cking joke under Trump. We are the home of a bunch of sniveling cowards. Vice President Cheney has criticized Treason Trump more so than Dem presidents.
When weren’t they a joke in the last 75 years?