Give me your recent or ancient sci-fi shows that you like. I need them!
The Culture series by Iain M Banks is fantastic
You might like For All Mankind
- The Foundation
- Silo
- Severance
Battlestar Galactica, the reboot not the original!
Or just watch The Expanse again. It’s spoilt me for space scifi. Have watched (also bought bluray) it getting on for a dozen times now.
Currently trying Halo.
Stargate SG1 + Atlantis + Universe
DS9 has been my go-to lately, a classic now
Dark, Killjoys, and Sanctuary (the one starring Amanda Tapping)
Foundation is okay
I agree with this sentiment, some episodes are good but a lot are just… Ok
I especially like the genetic dynasty aspects of the series. The books weren’t my thing so that was a pleasant surprise!
People mention the old (ish) dark matter but I also quite enjoyed the new Dark Matter on apple TV.
If you have that then severance and silo are also on there. Apple is doing a great job with well written sci-fi.
J. Michael Straczynski’s Babylon 5. Like most series it starts slow and awkward, but when it starts moving…also Crusade, a lesser known spinoff in the Babylon 5 universe that got pulled by the same creator because of network stupidity.
Later show G’Kar and Molari are worth it alone. The great story and actors is all just a lovely extra.
Crusade still lives on in my heart because of those crazy technomancer guys and their weird ships.
I was recently surprised by The Orville. A surprising project to come from Seth McFarlane, but an absolutely well-made homage to Star Trek.
The books (or audiobooks) of The Expanse continue the series. Highly recommended.
This might be obvious, but don’t think you can watch series and continue with books.
You could catch up, but the characters, while same, can be different. And the early books are worth it even when tou watched the show already.
Oh, yes, I meant to start again from the beginning with the books.
Season 1 of altered carbon and only season 1.
When I watched season 2 I was like “Oh OK, so we’re doing a completely different show now, got it”
I really like the idea of changing actors, it obviously fits right in with the main plot od the universe, but it felt too much like they changed the character. Joel Kinnaman really cemented what the character should be to me and I guess any other actor is going to play it slightly different.
Yeah, I actually liked the concept of changing actors for in-universe reasons. And I also prefer stories that evolve over time rather than just rehashing the same plots, characters, and settings. But evolve is the key word. Here, they changed everything at once (including the setting and supporting cast) and it just didn’t click for me. And most other people, apparently.