People should be allowed to exist
Social programs aren’t communism
The system isn’t working for the people
I’ve changed my mind on this.
Let the DNC go full MAGA and when they lose, because they will lose, they get the heat and we can eject them forever. At least sit them in a corner.
Progressives, you fight if you want but I don’t believe the elections will be fair so it’s a win win for you.
So, is this finally time to give up the 1.5 party system and promote/vote independent? One party has fallen out of favor, another one is on track to do the same, now the first one joins in the nosedive…
When I suggested it last year, I was called a Russian troll who tries to win more votes for Trump or something. The fucker won anyway. What’s your excuse now?
Apparently (according to some random comment on Reddit where this was posted) this was written by an organization called “Third Way”, that doesn’t actually have influence in the government or either political party
Love America, stop letting extremists speak for us, get involved with regular people, foster community, and govern better. The democrats might have a chance after all.
What would happen if everyone registered republican and fractured the party from the inside
Look everyone! Words! in a meme! It has to be true! Get your pitchforks fellow leftists! The meme said we hunt tonight!
“I like money”
Everyone likes money.
“Ow my balls”
“So it turns out veering gradually to the right just isn’t working for us, it’s probably the ‘far left’s’ fault”
I knew as a European that the US only had two right wing parties, with the democratic party sitting firmly to the right of most of our centrist parties here, but this is just fucking stupid.
It’s happening here too woth the German SPD or Britain’s Labour (on migration at least)
Veering gradually to the right doesn’t work, let’s move harder to the right than previous cycles
This is the Ratchet effect in action. Democrats did not heed the warnings about extremist right-wing propaganda spreading like wildfire. They now assume the voter basis is inherently fascist, and race to appease them.
Democrats are equally to blame for things, like the modern racist slave trade that is the “corrections” system. This puts them with the camp of critical-race-theory enemies. Many of them are transphobic as-fuck, which also puts them (partly) in the anti-gender camp.
I did not cite genocide and war-crimes in the above paragraph, because so many of you have made clear you are fine with it.
Centrists have made it clear, time and again, that they value middle-of-the-road fallacy above human lives, and they are willing to put those lives on the line to reifytheir trolley problem fetish. The centrist is someone who will literally say to Hitler “I will defend to the death your right to express your hate” and at the same time say to the trans woman “I will have to reduce your freedom of expression, because it is unpopular with my voter base, and we risk devolving into fascism”.
This is how we got here. These mfers come every 4 years begging for leftist and anarchist votes, because the alternative is fascism. But they were themselves fascist the whole time, only with a broader social support. Now they lose that broader social support because 10 years of relentless, ludicrously funded propaganda have shifted the discussion 100 years back, they now bend over backwards to earn that social support again. This in unscrupulous.
In turn, it lends legitimacy to neofascism and shifts the institutional landscape even further. We should not concede one inch to anyone trying to water down human rights for political gain. Human rights are to be taken as a whole, especially at the times that the most illiterate and unnuanced fragile white masculinity reclaims racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism with renewed confidence, this is not the time to let them score popularity points.
In fact, we need to escalate. The more we trigger the fascist voter base the better. Destroy the common sense, of the equal-opportunity capitalism apologist social democrat.
It always amazes me to see how clueless the Democrats are.
I don’t understand, so their goal is to shift from centrists to conservatives? What is even happening right now?
Holy shit you guys are fucked.
This seems to be happening everywhere – the whole political spectrum adopting the far right’s positions because ‘it’s what gets votes’.
Yeah, that’s a depressing read
move away from the dominance of small-dollar donors
“Only accept money from rich people.”
Dominance from… People giving you money because they like you? People who can’t call you up to make or break your next election based on how you vote today?
Like even if you take it at face value and pretend it’s all above board… What the fuck could you possibly mean by that?
And at the same time “get out of elite circles”
Democrats are fucking twisted.
Why not? They’re easier to please! Agenda: change nothing.
They have a proven track record already!
How influential are these moderates at this point? If the DNC leadership is still paying attention to them, they are pants on head retarded.
Leftwing people don’t fucking vote in primaries. People don’t vote third party enough for it to act as anything but a spoiler benefiting fascists. Realistically the US military would turn people into a bloody paste if we attempted to rebel.
And now we might not even get elections in the future because we have authoritarians in charge ripping the functions and institutions of the government itself to shreds. Like… we are so fucking screwed.
They’re influential because the big donors like this stuff, it’s the kind of changes that don’t impact them and push away more left leaning policies that would hurt them. One of the points is literally ignoring small donors which is what average people are.
Listen, you seem to be confused. The Democratic party isn’t there to protect your rights and pioneer progress. They’re aim is to win elections. If appealing to the right is what wins them elections then that’s what they’ll do. It worked for the Republicans so there’s no reason to believe it won’t help the Democrats win too. They’re not there for your benefit. They’re there for their benefit.
OP is right though: the Democrats and the Republicans are not like parties in every other democracy, i.e. expressions of specific political ideologies. They are institutional electoral machines, of an institutionally two-party state. They have their altered their ideological core before: prior to FDR the Democrats were basically just populist racists. They can easily alter their ideological core in the future as well. It just so happens that in the latest party system the Democrats have been the machine used by the American centre and centre left.
That was definitely what I meant, perhaps I didn’t phrase it particularly well lol. My point was ultimately that Democrats arent much different from the Republicans in so much as they will front whatever they have to to gain and hold power. That’s not to say there aren’t democrats who truly believe in equality, equity and the rule of law, or insert any specific belief you like, just that you shouldn’t expect the party to support those values no matter what. If going maga is what gets democratic politicians into Congress and other positions of power then many of them will toe the line.
You shouldn’t hitch your cart to either political party and expect them to always follow your values. Vote into power the people who you believe will stand up for the values you believe in (unless those values are naziistic, racist, homophobic or fascistic, in which case please find the nearest ocean and work out how far you can swim)
They were campaigning with a fucking Cheney
Their idea to win elections is to try to beat Republicans in a constituency that is already entrenched for Republicans. This plan is dumb as shit without even talking about ideological reasons to oppose it.
Ok but appealing to the right hasn’t won them any elections. The right hates their guts.
Far-left is the “fuck you” solution that the left would take. In other words, Bernie Sanders. They should just let that man speak.
Calling Bernie Sanders fart left… first thing the American people should do is reframe your left right references. The guy is centre-left. Democrat party is solid right and Republicans are radical far right.
Our Overton Window has been pushed clear out of the building, shoved into the drainage culvert around back, and it’s slowly drifting downriver and out to sea.
I’ve read some people on right-wing comment chains say it’s refreshing that the Overton Window is finally being pushed back to the right. In America.
This shows how deeply our media bubbles bury segments of our population.
I’m betting those same people believe that Christians are being driven into the sea and the war on christmas is a real fight that they are losing.
Bernie Sanders is already the compromise.
Dear US-Americans, it is time to form a new, progressive party.