The whole porn ban thing is probably my all-time favorite example of conservatives voting against themselves.
Meanwhile, in California, I can watch all the porn I want without registering myself in a database and walk down the street to the weed store. And the women in my life still have rights over their own bodies.
So I guess Democrats are actually the party of freedom.
California is bad for voting to keep prison slavery and refusing to solve the housing crisis with a council housing system much like the UK used to have.
The whole porn ban thing is probably my all-time favorite example of conservatives voting against themselves.
Meanwhile, in California, I can watch all the porn I want without registering myself in a database and walk down the street to the weed store. And the women in my life still have rights over their own bodies.
So I guess Democrats are actually the party of freedom.
One of my fave porn vids got affected though.
— a Nord
Yeah but could you imagine voting for them?
It’s all relative. Lots of personal freedom, taxed like a mother fucker.
As it should be honestly but there are many people that don’t see it that way and view taxation as a form of oppression.
who would’ve guessed
B- b- but, California b-b-bad! 🥺 Don’t you see how oppressed you are? You’re really oppressed out there. 🥺
California is bad for voting to keep prison slavery and refusing to solve the housing crisis with a council housing system much like the UK used to have.
Perfection is the ultimate enemy of good. I’d rather be in a place like California than some red state where I have to upload my ID to look at boobs.
And your gas costs $10 a gallon and your houses cost $5 million for a shit box. Hmmm… trade offs…
Notice how the things you’re talking about are exaggerations and the comment above is not.
This comment was dumb but should NOT HAVE BEEN REMOVED.