• FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
        6 hours ago

        First of all, you have no idea how I voted. Second of all the reason we have Trump is because Biden absolutely refused under any circumstances to do the number one job he was elected to do. He literally shirt his responsibility to defend the country and the Constitution and said outright that he’s just going to have faith in the American people to deal with it. You stuck us with an ancient daughtering fool who has never been out of Washington DC since 1974 with all of the center and left Democrat voters screaming to not force us to vote for him but you did it anyway and it went exactly as predicted. He made performative gestures to the left while making sure that there was no protections for his actions: he refused to deal with the supreme Court problem even after losing women’s rights: he refused to remove and replace his attorney general when it was blatantly obvious that he was never going to do his duty either; and he absolutely refused to acknowledge and defend against a party that had embraced full Nazi fascism until after he had already lost all ability to defend against them. So please fuck off with your arrogant high horse bullshit about people not sucking the same cock that you do.

        • Rhoeri@lemmy.world
          6 hours ago

          tRuMp iZ biDeNz fAuLt!!!11!!!one!!1

          [Then goes on to post a wall of text illustrating their ability to perform precise mental gymnastics and not providing a single shred of evidence to support it- while simultaneously defending accusations that protest voting was part of the reason trump was elected]

          (Oh, and let’s not forget the ad hominem attacks. Can’t argue against nuance without angering one’s self into personal insults)
