You won’t get that money back they will get that money back they as in Trump and his cronies. Just remember right now you might feel like you’re on the winning side but he only cares about himself at some point you too will be expendable to him.
Still a false equivalent. The Democrats are spineless morons but at last most of them think you have a rite to exist. vs the majority of Republicans who think you should still be a slave because one parent was the wrong color.
Wasn’t my word, I was explaining that someone else used the word monkey and that there were no references to race.
Agreed it was a poor choice of word, but I’m also not letting someone who is already trolling and arguing in bad faith try to pull the race card and suddenly cry victim.
Can, but won’t.
Well no politician would really give us back that money, regardless of political spectrum. lol
You won’t get that money back they will get that money back they as in Trump and his cronies. Just remember right now you might feel like you’re on the winning side but he only cares about himself at some point you too will be expendable to him.
Just like when the Democrats were in office. Friend, I don’t trust either side with my money.
It’s why I proudly voted third party. :)
Still a false equivalent. The Democrats are spineless morons but at last most of them think you have a rite to exist. vs the majority of Republicans who think you should still be a slave because one parent was the wrong color.
Um, my mother is black. And she’s a conservative. So what you are saying is not true at all.
Then why post this non story?
I didn’t write the article. I thought it was interesting and posted.
So we can see what the monkeys on the other side are saying.
Do you wanna check that statement? What are you implying?
I’m biracial. My mother is black and a conservative. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, friend.
Monkey refers to the conservative part of your pedigree. Conservative is a choice to be a subhuman lacking in empathy and is therefore fair game.
Choose better words, friend.
Wasn’t my word, I was explaining that someone else used the word monkey and that there were no references to race. Agreed it was a poor choice of word, but I’m also not letting someone who is already trolling and arguing in bad faith try to pull the race card and suddenly cry victim.