This is mental, and infuriating.

I had a stroke during covid, which has caused problems with walking, balance and co ordination. Even basic things like dressing myself are more difficult now. The rehabilitation and physiotherapy parts of my local hospital were shut down because of covid, so my treatment was delayed.

Eventually, I started physiotherapy but by then the damage had been done. It hasn’t helped at all. After a while, the physios realised it wasn’t going to help, and said I should have been referred to the neuro physiotherapists all along. So I spent several years getting inadequate treatment (and this inadequate treatment also started late because of covid).

They finally referred me to the neurophysios, and I’ve been on that waiting list for about a year. Yesterday I got a letter from them. Paraphrasing, but it basically said:

You’ve been referred to us. If you still want treatment, call this number within 2 weeks or you’ll be removed from our list.

The letter was dated 30th December. Now I don’t know if they’ll make an exception or if it’s too late and I have to be put to the back of the waiting list again. This is what it’s like for a stroke patient trying to get basic treatment. And the government wonders why so many people are too disabled to work.


    7 days ago

    Yeah was trying to seek help with mental health on the NHS. Kept getting referred to different people and organisations and eventually just gave up. Been trying to determine if I have ADHD, autism, and/or bipolar. Guess I won’t know until something serious happens or I get hospitalised. The NHS just isn’t what it used to be.