Delusion, manufactured fear, brainwashing, paranoia, schizophrenia, zero adaptability, absolute lack of critical thinking skills, brainrot, exaggerated sense of entitlement, horizons that fit entirely within a thimble… feel free to add to the list, it goes on.
Where is this from?
The comedian’s name is Brandy Bryant, I don’t know if this is from a specific show though
Operative word here is “think”. Please stop assuming that they can, and you might end up not surprised when they don’t. 🤢🥹
I feel like this joke would work better without the "up“.
Boxing, wrestling, and martial arts have all been targeted by the bigots who claim trans women just want to beat up women.
Removing up does make the punchline more surprising as you’d initially interpret beat as win against.
But ye joke totally works either way.
I remember when everyone was saying Oscar Pistorious (before he became a murderer) had an unfair advantage with his blade prosthetic legs. They were afraid other athletes would get their legs amputated to get an advantage with the blade prosthetics.
As far as I know there’s no rules against doing that. Yet I haven’t seen anyone go through with the surgery…
He was released last year and has a girlfriend who looks exactly the same as his victim. Who would date a murderer of his former wife? Insane.