We don’t often get to update you on the more madcap crowdfunded e-bike projects we’ve previously reported on – for the simple reason that most of them don’t go anywhere. It seems Beno’s hubless Reevo e-bike did at least get built – although given what we’ve seen, perhaps it shouldn’t have been. Announced in 2020, the Reevo boasted hubless, spokeless wheels; a one-sided fork; and fingerprint locking/unlocking. This was apparently a sufficiently alluring package that it managed to attract over £5m in crowdfunding.
There are some really, really stupid design decisions made. But I really don’t like that they are destroying the bike in the process. It might be a piece of crap, but it totally is a cool collectors item.
You should be able to repair your bike though, this obviously isn’t. There are very few standard bike parts that can’t be taken off then put back on.
Better to make a video that lots of people can enjoy than have a shit bike sitting in one person’s fancy garage somewhere.
I was talking about stuff like “Let’s drill a whole in the body for no purpose” and “destroy the wheel”. That video would have worked without destroying the bike - without those action you would be able to put everything back together.