Satellites have to go through shock and vibe testing based on the vehicle bringing them up, satellites using spinlaunch will need to be built around it.
You’d be surprised how well modern cubesats are already designed implicitly with high-G components. There was a video about them testing an “off-the-shelf” sat from a professor and it held up with only some minor modifications.
Launcher may handle 10,000 g’s, but satellites tend to be kind of fragile
Satellites have to go through shock and vibe testing based on the vehicle bringing them up, satellites using spinlaunch will need to be built around it.
How many oceangates is that? Can we send CEOs in it?
euthanasiacoaster without the extra steps
You’d be surprised how well modern cubesats are already designed implicitly with high-G components. There was a video about them testing an “off-the-shelf” sat from a professor and it held up with only some minor modifications.