I am a serial crossposter. And I’ll keep crossposting whether you like it or not. You will not see OC from me, my friend.
Crossposts Form reddit? I though about building a bot that posts the top 3 posts every day to the correspinding lemmy instance, just to get more posts here.
I Mike lemmy for its very technical posts but sometimes i would like some more shitposts here :D
Not even… I crosspost from one Lemmy community to another.
I accept reposts are a part of the fediverse because every instance will have the same damned memes and since I’m federated with quite a few of them, I’m just gonna have to deal with it. Just my take.
I feel like apps could probably aggregate posts with the same links somehow and allow users to flip between comment threads; but I have no idea how to make that work on the backend.
Yeah, switching from reddit to lemmy gives a “old internet” wibe: actual people, most of them technically inclined. But with more adoption, these people get diluted by all other kinds of folks.
Same happened with cypto scene. It started with cythography entusiasts, but now it is mostly tech bros.
It’s easy to avoid redditization: just stay away from the “general interest” instances because reddit or facebook will always do general interest better than any platform run by volunteers w almost no budget.
"Just stay away* will only bring it in faster. You need resistance
It’s like when Mom says “just ignore the bullies” a strategy that bullies thrive on because they can bully and know you’ll walk away
What about when the mod is the bully?
Post passive aggressive notes as often as you can, make big honking stinkin posts screaming about the injustice, and eventually make a new community on a different instance, I guess. Just from observational experience.
Yes this is the most efficient and foolproof method for dealing with bully mods, can confirm.
Pick a smaller, focused website and focus on Local. Then you can ignore what’s going on elsewhere.
Lemmy isn’t a community, it’s a technology. And ActivityPub is madw with the goal of letting anyone and everyone use it and participate. Just like HTTP. Griping because “the wrong kind of people are showing up” is the kind of thing the wrong kind of people do.
You don’t get to build your gate in the public square.
That’s literally the meaning of meme or memetic; ideas are passed on like a virus. I know it’s annoying to repost memes but that is the circle of memes xD
I’ve enabled option that won’t show read posts, cool thing actually
only one message for reposters: if you didn’t make it, don’t post your lazy regurgitated trash
Then down vote it? Isn’t that the point of that button? I’m assuming a big problem with Reddit was they wanted controversial posts seen which took away from the power of down voting but hopefully Lemmy doesn’t? I don’t actually know though
Ahhh, the rallying cry of “just downvote it”. I’d insert the “this your first time?” gif here if I could. Leaving a community to self moderate invariably turns into a popularity contest, and then when one group eventually takes over, an echo chamber usually filled with the same regurgitated spam. “If you don’t like it just downvote it” or it’s reverse “well it has a lot of upvotes, so someone must like it”(welcome to why we have so many bots today…) always ends up catering to the terminally online at the detriment of the average person. People far too often will speak with absolute confidence about things they have never even experienced, but because it’s well formatted, it’s sent to the top. The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect describes this in part.
This site is maybe the worst echo chamber I’ve ever experienced it’s just one that suites my opinions. Hell even if I agree with the echo chamber but I’m the wrong way it gets rejected aggressively. If you think it’s bots then that seems like a more legitimate complaint but if it’s a repost getting enough upvotes and is not weighted for controversy then it’s actually the terminally online people that know every post suffering with their obsession and not the community at large. I completely disagree with that theory
So when I wrote about bots, I was describing them as an effect created by a cause. You went and reversed the two and are thinking I blamed bots.
What I said was that voting based moderation is a popularity contest. An easy way to win popularity contests is to stuff the ballot. On the internet, you can do this with bots. Ergo, the rise in bots all over the Internet is a consequence of our popularity based algorithms and systems. That type of moderation just doesn’t work. But please, keep misunderstanding people and then blaming others. I’m sure that’ll help.
If you’re gonna disagree with my idea, at least get it right. You’re not being downvotted heavily for not agreeing with the hive mind in the right way. You’re being downvotted for lacking reading comprehension and going off on a crazy sounding tangent.
I did not misunderstand your bot theory but good to see you prove my “even if I agree” point lmao
You ended your comment saying you completely disagree with me after reiterating what I’d just said as if it were your own thought.
You really need to work on your communication and reading comprehension buddy.
If you think it’s bots then that seems like a more legitimate complaint
An easy way to win popularity contests is to stuff the ballot. On the internet, you can do this with bots
You really need to work on your communication and reading comprehension buddy.
Maybe try a mirror bud
Try reading the whole thing and comprehending it as a complex thought with nuance. I’ll wait. Might take you awhile but I’ll wait.
I rather have a repost instead of all these motherfuckers only posting a link to some external website which throws a 404 error.
Maybe you could offer them buyouts
no_nothing demands only original trash for cm002 to regurgitate
Maybe this already exists, but what about a feature which allows tagging a post as a link to a previous/original post, which can be used by clients to filter out reposts if desired.
As long as I don’t see “thanks stranger” and “happy cake day” I’m ok
There’s a simple reason why reposts will always happen, never stop: different people have seen different things. Your reposts are other people’s never-seen-before content.
insert xkcd 10,000 people obligatory everything is a repost
To be fair, I purposely didn’t do a deep dive on xkcd so that whenever I did see a related post in the comments, it was almost always fresh to me. I figured this was true of a lot of people online.
There’s stuff I wouldn’t see otherwise because I’m not on other networks. I’m fine with bringing stuff here from elsewhere.
Moderation is a necessary evil. Otherwise everything becomes /r/Funny with different decor.