Time for brie and bbq shapes!
No sleep gang checking in. Woke up abruptly, jerkily turned over, hurt back in the process. Did not know ‘injured back due to nightmare’ was on the list of random injuries that can happen when you get old list. Well anyway, guess I‘ve ticked #10348 off the list.
I’ve had a random toe cramp wake me up before and that fucking sucked.
Always was, always will be https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CmcV0dC3N3s
Managed to conk out early but overheated and woke up at 1 -_-
Had a shower and am cuddling with Melbcat.
She’s managed to spit medicine on herself so I’m going to have to spend some time cleaning it out of her fur with a damp face washer. It’s surprisingly stubborn to remove once dry.
That can wait though. She’s being so cute
I started off the day with a lovely Sunday sleep in. Unfortunately I was supposed to be at work, so I followed up with a bit of a rush and a late mark. Why do these things only happen to me on high penalty shifts?
And now you’ll feel like you’re running behind all day!
Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺 💚💛🍺
- That was tough
I’m headed to the market. Can I get anything for anyone?
A selection of cheese would be great thanks.
Biltong please!
Crumpets and cherries please 🙏
Blood orange sherbet cordial?
My golden nugget pumpkins look ridiculous with their plastic hats on but they’re not eaten or dead. The bigger fellow that got planted first even appears to be growing larger. The soil test results came back and everything is within safe limits.
I’m still a bit worried for them though. Pumpkins are heavy feeders that like manure in their soil and plenty of water. But this is dry sandy soil, with greedy tree roots extending in from someone else’s tree. They’re planted in half arsed unfertilised holes scraped out in the midst of the invasive grass because I don’t think I can clear it all. (I dug manure through to improve the soil many years ago before the grass invaded but that would all be gone by now.) They absolutely will have to compete for nutrients and water. I’ve also planted everything kinda late.
The smaller sized variety is growing in the paper cups and putting out leaves. They’ll be ready to pot soon. I could bum a lift for potting mix tomorrow (and maybe manure? adding a second bag of anything takes the delivery from $10 to $25) but not sure if it’s good to go out in that heat.
The least taxed zucchini plant is sending up a few male flowers now but the others are not, and two are suffering from something that looks like powdery mildew. I’ll have to repeat the spray when it’s not too hot.
The tomatoes are doing ok. Wilting regularly but I haven’t noticed the fruit splitting which was my worry with heirlooms. Only one is ripe so far but they seem to be setting an ok amount of fruit. I bet the birds and rats take notice soon.
Maybe a wattle bird? They make all sorts of noises
Yeah, I’ve been looking up calls and it could be
My aunt and I somehow got into a discussion about going to Canberra next month. Never been before, and am thinking of just heading there for a day or two on a longer trip maybe next year.
Hit up the galleries.
I wonder if it counts as being awake if I’m constantly hitting the snooze button.
ok guys , I’ve started watching severance, done the first two eps.
it’s some marxist north korean type mind control shit to give busy work to very highly intelligent true believers… I think.
I just started watching as well.
Just finished episode 1.
Interesting so far.
I’m on the bandwagon now.
I’m just about to start episode 6! Very curious what they are doing at work
I will continue watching .
I find it … interesting.
It feels so odd to be around people. Where I live there are fuck all people around. I feel so out of place lol
So ended up in prison last night. The cell was significantly nicer than I’d expected.
Yeah, The Interlude
Very nice! I’ve been meaning to check out the fancy bar there, and also go on the ghost tour
The wine bar there is fun, and the booths are great. The seated separate restaurant though was very meh food wise, over priced and poor service.
Didn’t know about the ghost tour though doh!
Thanks for the heads-up re the restaurant! Yeah, there’s a few different tours, both informative and scary
Back from the community breakfast. It was a pretty good time, they had a small accoustic band and…
I still like fire trucks!
The little hall where the event was held.
Cricket anyone?
Giant pencils along the path into the primary school next door.
The food tent. There was yabby Mornay, lamburgers, sausages, bacon and eggs. Delicious! The Minipeelers and I helped cut up all the bread rolls. It was good fun and I wore a mask so my weeping face didn’t scare any small children.
Woah what a spread! Sounds amazing!