To be clear, I am only talking about people like the average working class Trump voter. The ones who just got caught by misinformation, and just haven’t been able to find a way out. Trump and all his mates are terrible people, and should be held accountable.

The average voter is another thing. My attitude is that I got lucky, and found out that Trump and his mates are terrible, instead of getting sucked down a rabbit hole of supporting them. Knowing how fascism works, I don’t know if I’d be able to reliably land on the right side if fascism happened in my home country. And if I don’t believe I could reliably spot fascism, I’m not comfortable acting like those who support Trump could have.

This isn’t a discussion of “just be a good person”. I know plenty of amazing, caring people who believe they’re doing the right thing.

This whole idea of “I can’t say is reliably avoid fascism” is based on this, the school that became fascist for a week. As bad of an experiment that was from that teacher, it was an effective way of teaching how people fall for what should be obviously a bad thing.

    1 month ago

    A lot.

    The information was not hidden, he wasn’t even trying to hide it. It’s not like you had to read between the lines. Anyone who willingly voted for him is on my shit-list. I understand not liking Biden or Kamala, but I will never understand looking between them and Trump and thinking that, in any way, he would be the better alternative in any capacity. He is a facist, and even worse, he’s a dumb one. He’s easily entertained and influenced. He doesn’t care about anyone that isn’t him (or that he doesn’t want to fuck). He’s not president because he cares, he’s president because he can. I think anyone who voted for him was incredibly selfish, minimum. “He’s going to lower groceries.” Even if he did, is that worth it the oligarchy? Is it worth losing rights? Is it worth Palestine? Is it worth everything else increasing? Is it worth making way for a Dictator? Is it worth making a home for facists? Is it worth watching families be ripped apart?

    I would say no, but many of my countrymen disagreed.