Best news I’ve heard all week.
name checks out (the [they/she] part)
What a roundabout way to get unisex bathrooms.
Congratulations to women, your public bathrooms will be less crowded. To my trans brothers and sisters, see you at the sink!
That should simplify things.
Honestly, probably yes, bureaucratically speaking.
It’s cool and all to dunk on their logical fallacies, but don’t think for one second that their poor wording will stop them from enacting untold violence against trans people.
No question. But the memes are copium for this dark age we are entering. 😭
Hello ladies
And people said I’d never meet a nice woman…
I guess we can completely get rid of Hey Guys now.
Hey guuuurrrll!
So if all men were women at conception, then that would make all men transsexual…
Trans women loves this one weird trick that trans men hate!
Does this not mean there are no makes or females in the US, only undefined?
That’s not true though. Sex is defined by the chromosomes, not the organs and they don’t suddenly change after 6 weeks. This definition however leaves intersexual people out, but that’s certainly intentional
No. Sex is determined by genes. Usually SRY, but other genes play a role in sexual determination.
It’s defined based on which reproductive cell the animal produces. Larger means female, smaller means male. Producing both is intersex. In humans, the SRY gene usually sets the path towards male development. But not always. Sometimes the person is insensitive to testosterone and won’t produce either large or small gamates, for example. Hence, xx or xy chromosomes don’t define sex. And chromosomes alone don’t determine it, but the entire gene code.
The EO tried to dodge science, and failed. Because sex isn’t binary, and attempting to make it binary ends up with nonsense like making everyone legally sexless.
Males are just females with one badly deformed X-chromosome, a dick and a ridiculous amount of testosterone.
Nothing changes, I was hot before and after.
I think this is actually more gender abolitionist if you think about it. No one is producing reproductive cells/gametes at conception. They begin by producing undifferentiated stem cells that will later specialize into all of the other cell types.
Male and female now officially retired. Rejoice!
Those darned conservatives and their liberal agenda!
They were telling us this was the plan when they tried to get rid of pronouns.
But what society-created roles and stereotypes will I conform my entire being to now? I don’t know how to be me and need to be told options.
Everyone is now assigned 5 random fandoms at birth or, in the case of people already born, starting right now.
You are now a superfan of the Dallas Mavericks, Firefly, The Times of India, Fussball Club Basel 1893, and decorative felt. Have fun!
MAGA: “truth and science needs to bow to holy scripture!”
The Bible: “For in Christ there is… neither male nor female…” (Galatians 3:28)
MAGA: “wait, not like that!”
We are all enbies on this blessed day.
fuck those six weeks
Trump increases the wage gap rather unconventionally.
They will probably correct it to say ” when life starts”. Problem solved!
No, the “at conception” part is super important because it’s doing a double whammy of also sneaking in “personhood-at-conception” to further undermine abortion rights.
Exactly they worded it like that completely on purpose.
IVF made federally illegal just like that.