All I hear about is “boomers” this, “Millennials” that, “Gen Z” that, etc.

Why no one talk about Gen X? What happened to them? They just vanished like in Infinity War? Or are we mistaken Gen Z by Boomers?

  • Skull
    2 months ago

    The younger people call them boomers. Hell, gen Z and gen alpha call millenials boomers. Everyone who is “old” is a boomer now.

    The older people only seem to be talking about millenials and younger, usually in the form of rage bait internet articles.

    The concept of generations is completely arbitrary. They used to be named after important changes in the age distribution of western populations, but after the boomers they just became “the next one” because nothing really happened. Older gen X behaves the same as younger boomers, and millenials range from “owns a house, has four kids, are starting to plan their retirement” to “just finished their education”, and I haven’t yet found a reason why gen alpha and gen z differ at all (at least the millenials could be tied to 9/11?).

    Now, nobody worth our time will take any of it seriously.

      2 months ago

      Everyone who is “old” is a boomer now.

      And “millennial” just means “child.” People born in 1990 have sneered the word at 12-year-olds with zero self-recognition.