These labor leaders are organizing for 2028. Cooperation across unions and sectors—if carried out on a large scale—would be unprecedented in the 21st-century United States.
To coordinate. This is being organized by large labor unions not tumblr leftists. They are trying to align as many union contracts as possible to expire on March 31st 2028. This also gives people time to organize their workplaces if they aren’t already unionized. People can also take time to prepare strike funds. It is hard to save in this economy but if you can save $50/month for the next 3 years you’ll have something to coast on during the strike.
Because a general strike of this magnitude requires as much planning as possible and an astronomical amount of resources.
People still need to eat. Capital will react harshly.
There hasn’t been a general strike in the US in living memory, let alone of this magnitude.
You can’t just throw down the gauntlet against power itself and hope for the best. It takes years of preparation and even then the chance of failure is high.
A general strike is meant to force the ruling elite as a whole, not just one or two employers, to capitulate to the organizers’ demands. It twists the government’s arm in the same way a normal strike twists the arm of the employer.
All three contracts that emerged are slated to expire on the same day: May 1, 2028, International Workers’ Day. This is not the first time the UAW has aligned the Big Three contracts, but what the union did next is remarkable. It put out a challenge to the US labor movement: “We invite unions around the country to align your contract expirations with our own so that together we can begin to flex our collective muscles,”
Yes because of wealth inequality. They literally have hoards of money that can be used in a case like this.
The wealth didn’t just disappear during the Great Depression and “nobody had any money”. Boeing, Chrysler, Kennedy, Rockefeller, grocery stores like publix all doubled, tripled, quadrupled, 10x’ed their wealth. It was a big wealth transfer, not that everyone was poor.
It was literally mostly the working class and some of the lower-owning-class that suffered.
It was solved mainly by taxing the ever loving shit out of oligarchs and redistrubing the wealth back to the people.
Yeah that’s the reason that so many people can’t afford to be super selective when applying for jobs, and will take the first offer they get, but corporations will sift through thousands of people to get to who they perceive to be the perfect candidate, they’re sitting on liquid assets and credit lines. They’re not desperate
Four years is great timing if a liberal Dem wins the presidency four years from now on a Trump rebound. Labor can go out of their way to make their ally look bad.
They really need a clear set of demands for this - like a minimum wage demand, or Medicare for all.
It really depends on the union, and the people. They do tend to be blue-collar workers, though, which are often more susceptible to the kind of disinformation and propaganda against the working class they’re a part of.
Why wait 3 years?
I can understand a year or so to prepare. But four years is far too long. Im assuming its for the next prez election.
That’s too long. Do it sooner.
It’s about getting various union contracts so that corpos will have less ability to divide and conquer.
Yes, I know
You are so smart.
I was told about it hours before that last person chimed in. Thanks anyways.
To coordinate. This is being organized by large labor unions not tumblr leftists. They are trying to align as many union contracts as possible to expire on March 31st 2028. This also gives people time to organize their workplaces if they aren’t already unionized. People can also take time to prepare strike funds. It is hard to save in this economy but if you can save $50/month for the next 3 years you’ll have something to coast on during the strike.
Yeah the contracts lining up is actually a good time. To bad it isn’t a little sooner.
Im all for it.
Because a general strike of this magnitude requires as much planning as possible and an astronomical amount of resources.
People still need to eat. Capital will react harshly. There hasn’t been a general strike in the US in living memory, let alone of this magnitude.
You can’t just throw down the gauntlet against power itself and hope for the best. It takes years of preparation and even then the chance of failure is high.
What is the point of the general strike? Presumably each union and non-union-but-cooperating-workforce will have different goals.
A general strike is meant to force the ruling elite as a whole, not just one or two employers, to capitulate to the organizers’ demands. It twists the government’s arm in the same way a normal strike twists the arm of the employer.
I get that part, but what are the demands? It seems odd to me to plan a strike before making the reason for the strike.
I don’t know, but hey this is corporate America so it’s not like they’ll be wanting for things to demand.
Literally the first paragraph of the article
Man, I hope it happens.
We saw with COVID what a single shitty week can do to the rich and capitalists.
More than just unions, people need to walk out. They can’t fire all of you in one day.
Four years is a great amount of time to plan for it and get people on board. You gotta start talking to people about it, first!
Country fucking wide. That would be amazing.
Can corporations afford to sit and wait longer than poor people can?
Yes because of wealth inequality. They literally have hoards of money that can be used in a case like this.
The wealth didn’t just disappear during the Great Depression and “nobody had any money”. Boeing, Chrysler, Kennedy, Rockefeller, grocery stores like publix all doubled, tripled, quadrupled, 10x’ed their wealth. It was a big wealth transfer, not that everyone was poor.
It was literally mostly the working class and some of the lower-owning-class that suffered.
It was solved mainly by taxing the ever loving shit out of oligarchs and redistrubing the wealth back to the people.
Yeah that’s the reason that so many people can’t afford to be super selective when applying for jobs, and will take the first offer they get, but corporations will sift through thousands of people to get to who they perceive to be the perfect candidate, they’re sitting on liquid assets and credit lines. They’re not desperate
Four years is great timing if a liberal Dem wins the presidency four years from now on a Trump rebound. Labor can go out of their way to make their ally look bad.
They really need a clear set of demands for this - like a minimum wage demand, or Medicare for all.
2028 election is in November. This general strike will be on May 1st.
Union members are now the least socialist people around. Bunch of ignorant assholes.
It really depends on the union, and the people. They do tend to be blue-collar workers, though, which are often more susceptible to the kind of disinformation and propaganda against the working class they’re a part of.