A few days ago, I asked if we could talk about things that happen outside the fediverse. I got a lot of different answers ranging from “yes” to “no” to “it depends”. Hunting someone down somewhere and saying “ah ha I found Zezima on X” isn’t the kind of thing I meant. This is.
That moment when an admin outright makes it absolutely clear if you read the room (those who remember past messages will be able to do that) that they’re going around trying to get back at people and further complicate things for them, the instance in question being in spiteful response to a promotion. The incentive to weigh in is thus pre-existing, plus I am fediversally relevant because I have been accused of being them (not that I’m the only one), so I get the contagion.
It’s a bit much.
Mate… Go outside
You wanna say that to the whole community? I’m using it how it was designed to be used, following up on a previous message (and preceding another one) that also used it how it was designed to be used. And these were, in turn, responses to other things where people might say what you just said but haven’t. The way to address an issue is not to leave/relocate like someone who was forcefully evicted.
Just so people are aware, OP is one of the accounts of an infamous troll known as Tynan Laird who has a long internet history of trolling behaviours, creepy comments being made towards members of an internet forum who are minors, defending CP, Nazis, impersonating people and other abhorrent things, such as telling a trans person to shoot up a school after calling them an anti-trans slur.
They are a highly manipulative person. For instance, they will claim they “apologized” for calling the trans person a slur, as if this excuses their behaviour, saying they don’t know language well, while deliberately leaving out the fact they told them to go and do what the Nashville shooter (who was trans) did, and that they, by their own admission, only apologized after others (quote) “convinced” them to. They’ll also send themselves anonymous asks to their Tumblr account to concern-troll and they have also stolen women’s selfies to use for their fake internet persona.
The reason OP’s post is difficult to understand is because they’re trying to word the drama they’ve gotten themselves involved in in a way that makes them look innocent or misunderstood. Their main account is shinigamiookamiryuu, and they will deny that they have alts and gaslight people when the evidence is right there for people to see.
They will call it all “slander”, hoping that people believe them and don’t investigate further. When this excuse doesn’t work they’ll try to gaslight everyone into believing they’re “misinterpreting everything” and they’re just a misunderstood individual who is being targeted for no reason. They have accounts all over the internet and have been banned from places because they aren’t who they say they are.. Their shinigamiookamiryuu account’s username was stolen from someone on DeviantArt who called them out for the things about minors and this is something they do once anyone exposes them or calls them out, among other things such as stalking and doxing.
If you want to go down a huge rabbit hole, there’s a person on DeviantArt who wrote up a long post detailing their antics, complete with lots of evidence in the form of links.
I’m posting this here because this isn’t the first time OP has posted here to make vaguely worded, borderline incomprehensible posts relating to dramas they’ve gotten into and I feel like I should provide some much needed clarification and context.
That’s a lot to unpack
It’s not even true. That’s one of the targeters in question and they repeat that everywhere. Look at their registration date.
Registration date doesn’t really matter if that person wasn’t on Lemmy and wanted to comment after seeing this post.
Anyway, seems like there is a lot of drama spanning across DeviantArt, Reddit, documents on YouTube and Dailymotion videos.
I don’t know what to do with this. You do a good job modding [email protected] , that’s what I’m mostly interested in.
Thanks. People sadly don’t use critical investigation which would show such documentation as false (or, more accurately, a mix of falsehoods, exaggerations, and issues already long dealt with, with actual faults of mine currently falling under the last one because time passes). Rule enforcers typically know this (with one exception), it’s always onlookers who don’t.
Anyone can click on those links which go to things you’ve posted on your numerous aliases. You’re not being targeted, people are noticing and pointing out that you’re a troll.
If I may, having videos instead of text format isn’t really the best way to convey your message
Here’s some links which aren’t videos, such as them making creepy comments towards and about a forum member who they knew was only 14 (they were 20), and also this.
Their modus operandi is this:
- They’ll say/do reprehensible things.
- When they get reprehension for things they’ll say to evidence of those things “it’s fake”, “it’s slander”, “you can’t read my intentions” or “you’re misinterpreting everything”.
- They paint themselves as a targeted victim.
Rinse and repeat.
They’ll try and avoid any accountability whatsoever and other people have pointed this out before. They like to portray themselves as a victim who is being targeted for no reason.
I have zero opinion on any of this. I just looked at the modlog and wanted to point out that most of the bans are from .ml
It’s basically a right of passage to get banned from .ml so I wouldn’t take those as proof of character one way or the other.
If you want to know why I locked the discussion you mentioned, read the community rules. You say I falsely paint myself as a victim as if your whole existence here, which is a day old, doesn’t 100% consist of attacks towards me. All the things you claim I am denying guilt of here that actually happened did so years ago, all of which have been compensated for in some way. Had you accused me of some of them at the time, you would have seen me oblige to what you say I haven’t done, but here you all are threateningly following me everywhere trying to hold every single thing I’ve ever said or done against me because of your little grudge, all while making claims that I have been removed from places I haven’t actually been removed from.
A person on DeviantArt wrote up an extensive run-down of this person if you want to go down a rabbit hole.
Definitely a rabbit hole. No time enough for now.
Is that why you and your co-targeters have been banned from so many places hundreds of times, including some of the places that, if coming from you (even falsely), would be used to paint me as guilty? Is that why it’s normal for you to go after people who actually take the time to analyze what’s going on?
If I was banned already, then tell me, what were my previous names? Go on.
Uhhhh, what?
Maybe click the links.
I just did, and still don’t get what you mean
Which part?
What is the link between Lemmy and the kiwifarms post on Reddit, and the tweet at the end? Seem unrelated
It’s one I saw from my feed that alludes to how issues between people might start up yet are ill-equipped to die down. So then when this whole thing happens, it just keeps going and going.
Nobody knows what you’re on about, and to be honest we don’t really care enough to try and figure it out.
That is why I put links there. The first link literally brings you to what this post in the Fedilore community, which was put here because it fits the Fedilore community, is a sequel to. It was put in this community because of this, so if it doesn’t please certain people, then that speaks for what they are in the community for.
Glad it’s not just me
Which part don’t you understand?
Nothing of all of this makes sense to me. It’s just s rambling mess of words.
He’s not kidding when he says the context to understand the whole thing is in what he redirects to.
For example, the second and third sentence is a direct response to the replies which talk about the conditions for which the actions he is asking about would be considered “good”. Take the top response for example: “I think you might be the drama at that point.”
In the fifth sentence, he alludes to the understanding that the person who made a “first move” (which would be relevant in the discussions just mentioned) is the individual in question, before citing the first few moments of the context (before continuing to elaborate the first part of the fifth sentence). The “promotion” mentioned is an admin promotion. “The incentive to weigh in is thus pre-existing” refers to this, and then he mentions why it applies to him.
I have English issues and even I could comprehend all of this.
I just watched the Youtube video, I’m even more confused. Is that channel accusing you of being a pedophile? What the heck?
Yes, that’s what going on. I’ve always been someone people are inclined to make into a target.
That seems messed up on so many levels. Have you tried reaching out to Youtube to remove those videos?
Having seen that kind of thing attempted, there is every sign at this point the people in charge there won’t allow any changes/intervention.
You saying all that context doesn’t affect their ability to ignite people into a deceptively charged fury? I can imagine this is frustrating. People just amaze me. They say the biggest signal that something is a cult is that the person in charge has so much charisma that they can say anything (and I mean anything, for example someone could claim “I am not crude matter, I am a human-shaped beam of light”) and have people believe them without critical thinking or vetting something for contradictions, like what the leader of the Ant Hill Kids was said to be able to do. And they say the biggest signal that something is a gimmick is that some attribute of something makes people resort to exceptionalism in their critical thinking, as is the case when one person happens upon the best case (though still flawed since it’s not true) someone like you must a pedo based on the flawed evidence, and people who normally have standards for how they treat others forgo those entirely and say it’s fair game to give you literal hell (think of the pretty patties from Spongebob: “but, but they’re colored”… apply that to someone’s life and say “I must keeeel them, they’re colored like a pedo”).
Somewhat makes me wonder if it’s accurate to say that, in a world where some people steal trust by exploiting psychology, people not trusting you is actually a sign of your trustworthiness, in the same way as how a billionaire who clearly stole their wealth has a lower worth than someone poor out of their mind. Especially when they’re not just exploiting mental weaknesses but attacking people merely for not immediately agreeing and conflating them with their target. I noticed the whole clique is obsessed with misinformation.