Vampirism, Divine Powers and Magic. These three pretty much give you every other power on this list. You are essentially God and need only keep the human race alive so you can feed off their blood.
Shape Shifter, Teleport, Insanely rich.
- Be anyone/anything I want to be
- Go wherever I want instantly
- and if i need anything else, just buy it with money
Do you need money if you can just teleport into a bank vault, grab some gold, and teleport out? :p
Immortal, healing, shape shifter
the rest I can get with time and cunning
I went with immortal, shape shift, and teleport.
There’s no range to the teleport listed, and I’m just going to assume that shape shift can alter biological function and not just the meaty outer covering… but ultimately it doesn’t really matter that much because immortal.
This would be a great way to explore the universe and a search for life. Maybe settle down somewhere if you find an advanced society that sucks less than humans.
Honestly, I’d prefer healing over immortal.
Sure, you don’t live forever but at least your health will always be excellent. No permanent insuries, no cancer, no chronic pain, no dementia etc.
The most op power in my eyes is super speed. You basically get infinite, on demand mass, strength and endurance, and can (assuming you can go really fast) time travel
That being said, the only super power I’d ever want is the ability to create fast-acting hormones of my choosing, with my nails acting as syringes when willed to be able to inject or secrete them
AKA Emporio Ivankov
Where is Attractive Enby? 😥
Isn’t divine powers all of these?
I mean, Magic is just “all of the above”.
Give me arbitrary code execution and privilege escalation in the simulation we live in and I’ll be satisfied.
I’d like that too, but I don’t know how to program so it’d turn out to be a pretty cruel joke. I’d need that plus access to interdimensional internet so I could download scripts and be a scriptkiddy of reality.
Attractive Female Attractive Male Third one doesn’t matter
Submariner it is!
Add Shape shifting and you’re Ranma.
If you do “Attract Female”, “Attract Male” and “Vampirism” you’ll be able to pull the entire gender spectrum!
It’s attractive, not attract. I am reading that as being attractive
OOOOH! I was fully seeing it as being attractive to that gender. You’re definitely right tho. It’s being that gender and being attractive.
you could technically combine all 3 and just be David Bowie…
Just like Laszlo Cravensworth!
Magic, weather control (magic), invulnerability (magic also)
What is psionic if not psychic? And how are telekinesis and telepathy separate from both?
Telekinesis is moving objects with your mind while Telepathy is reading minds.
Psychic I would guess is a lot closer to telling the future than anything else.
Psionics is literally just a category that includes all 3 of those though so I have no idea.
Psionic might have some extra sensory perception as well.
Not a meme.
“Attractive Female”, “Divine Power”
because what power doesn’t fall under that, and “Insanely Rich.”I feel like immortality is always a monkey’s paw.
Can we replace it with like… Negligible Senescence?Assuming it’s not a monkey’s paw (since invulnerability is also there) then:
Immortality, teleportation (to escape capture), intellect.Also wtf is Devine Power?
Immortality is fine, until you end up stuck somewhere forever.
It’s inevitable, it might be 10 years from now you’ll get stuck under a mudslide and buried forever, but conscious.
In a billion years, you’ll get stuck inside the expanding sun forever.
In a few trillion years you’ll get stuck floating in the void of space forever as the universe expanded into nothingness.
Immortality needs some sort of way out, or else you’ll eventually end up suffering forever (what’s a trillion years to someone who will live for eternity?)
Immortality+invulnarability has to break physics somehow. Use that loophole to extract energy and build an entire civilization around yourself.
Be the immortal sun god of the endtimes.
Will probably be fun for a few trillion years.
Immortality is fine, until you end up stuck somewhere forever.
This is the literally why I called it a monkey’s paw, and suggested negligible Senescence instead.
It’s also why I selected teleportation.It’s like you didn’t read any of my comment except the word “immortality” 😑
Teleportation is also one of the options, so that solves the getting stuck somewhere problem. My concern is what immortality is like without also getting invulnerability…
Sure, but that just pushes back the timeline some. Even with immortality, invulnerability, and teleportation, you’re still going to live forever floating in the void of space. There just isn’t going to be anywhere to teleport TO after a few trillion years.