Does it also come in Clark-Kimberly versions? :P
Does it also come in Clark-Kimberly versions? :P
Wow great read
I think we also need more strategies to keep the trains moving, especially during rush hours. I think the most common reason I hear for unplanned subway downtime is “security incident” and “medical incident”. I think the (increasing number it seems of) fare enforcement officers is bad spending. As a TTC user they’re of no benefit to me, and I don’t think they effectively reduce fare evasion either - I think the value is crap. I’d rather see security and medical/nursing personnel on trains or at stations to intervene sooner (security and medical incidents, respectively) and keep the trains running.
The crowding at St. George station is getting nuts
Yup they’re all pre-rolled joint tubes from a gov-regulated weed store in Ontario
Conservatives are fiscally responsible /s
Wow that’s so cool. We need more co-ops. I hate paying an inflated price where most of the money goes to some grifter at the top who had startup capital, as opposed to the usually lovely person performing a quality service I appreciate and whom I interact with. Like in the article they say they paid $140 for cleaning and $30 goes to the cleaner. Next time I need a service, I’m going to look up co-ops
One of our best MPs, that’s for sure
No. People should have choices. Isn’t that one appeal of decentralization?
There are people who have to work for there money, and there are people who passively make money (and basically don’t pay taxes on that passive income)
The parallels between the republican/democrat and conservative/liberal parties in that dems/libs are to some degree better than the more right-wing parties but still bent of @#$%ing the working class is tough to stomach
globe and mail editorial endorsement of Freeland to follow 🤦 (facepalm)
First off, this move is antithetical to the idea of making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. Second, if you’re making $1M on capital gains in a year, you’re not upper middle class or lower upper class - or whatever ‘they’re not that rich’ argument you intend. Third, and most importantly, the upper middle class/lower upper class (to use dated terminology) being taxed on their capital gains is a by-product. These taxes also catch, probably as they are intended to, people making 10 million or 100 million (I can’t imagine lol). And let’s not forget, they didn’t work an hour to make that money.
How come only those of us with jobs should pay income taxes?
Thanks for writing that up (great job :) and for posting this! ❤️ I think many of us are trying to balance not subjecting ourselves too often to the dreadful news these days while wanting to keep informed. You’re doing a noble service, but please be sure to take of yourself too. A “last updated” in the article might be helpful if you plan on updating
I learned a friend doesn’t have a family doctor, so he signed up for an app service that connect him to a doctor somewhere (in Canada, I’d guess, but I don’t know). $400 startup for 1 person, $30/mo subscription.
There’s people making a lot of money off of the shortage of publicly available physicians in Canada. And it’s not everyday Canadians
Well-spotted. Coming from the globe and mail, the mouthpiece for proponents of healthcare privatization in Canada, you’re almost certainly correct
Please consider posting your content directly on Lemmy, especially if you’re going through a tough time and want comments ❤️. Use an alt account if your prefer
It’s a form of ‘othering’, which is an attempt to portray something (we don’t associate with) as fundamentally different or alien.
It probably stems from their cognitive dissonance, as in you’re eating cruelty-free and they’re not, so it helps them resolve any mental tension about their cruelty-containing diet by painting yours as strange.
If I were in your shoes, I’d sort out what I make of their behaviour. Are they good-naturedly adjusting to a family member making a lifestyle change or are they trolling. If I felt they were trolling, I’d do the opposite of what they’re doing. I would insist on labelling everything that is naturally vegan, “A vegan [food item, like watermelon]” and correct them each time, etc. To push it a step further, which would likely be too trolling for my tastes, call non-vegan things something like “animal cruelty [food item, like pumpkin break]”
Being vegan - interacting with omnivores and their denialism, projections, etc. - gets much easier with time.
Edit: Another approach would be to non-judgementally ask them about it, which might help them discover their own motivations and feelings around the issue. “I notice you’re prefixing, and I’d like to understand why you feel the need to do that better. Can you tell me a little more about what’s going on for you?”
Yes. There are so many different specialized kinds of nurses, nurses are highly skilled, and not every procedure needs an MD anesthesiologist. A healthy adolescent or young adult getting wisdom teeth extracted is very different from a medically complex older adult undergoing hip replacement
This is conjecture, but I think it’s protectionism by strong Canadian physicians’ unions. More physicians in the job pool means less job security and earnings potential for those already in it. There are many ways we could get more physicians in the workforce and/or in rural/remote communities that domestic MDs may not want to work in
It was a good primer on this topic. I think the point that the LPC vacancy in these turbulent times - Dump as POTUS - reveals weaknesses in our political system with respect the PM’s power, and should perhaps be cause for reflection, is a valid one.
Less interestingly, it’s been ages since I read an article in The Globe and Mail. I basically had to hold my nose through the paragraphs about Trudeau - 2 to start - that were obnoxiously uncivil. Mr. Coyne wasn’t that complimentary of the CPC, but he certainly wasn’t as vitriolic. It was so icky to read in parts, which perplexes me