You really should cut us off hard. Save yourselves, we’ll take care of this problem internally, in the meanwhile, once enough people wake up.
who’s going to enforce the order?
Roughly 293 million people when it comes right down to it. (US population minus the 22% that voted for Orange Diaper Burger. Not factoring in the dolts that thought abstaining their D vote would somehow help Gaza, as that’s harder to quantify and they’re already quickly realizing the error of their ways.)
Now is not the time for defeatism.
Your Comcast at work.
He’s just the puppet at this point.
They’re not military. Just larping bitches. Also, in America public employees that aren’t allowed to hide.
Edit: public employees that could be let go to trim the budget… Someone should let Pres Ellen and Orange Burger sucker know they missed the big fiscal bleed.
Missed the end of the sentence, did you?
Ohio is Underland
I name the lakes based on their names and not cities near them. Always have. Lake Superior. No big city. Lake Huron. Port Huron? They’re massive bodies of water. Not ponds. They stand on their own.
Muskrat being involved in this at all is an actual violation of his SGE title. Not that laws are real anymore, but, big ones would be broken.
The market manipulation is the rhyme and reason.
Season 1 still feels great. 2 gets a bit weird and feels more like a B show. 3 is like shark-jumping, but seeing a timeline jump that shows the now-very-near future is good for some “whoa” moments like, “this is what the continents will look like with sea rise,” but probably feels more like having to work your way through season 1 of TNG.
Didn’t mind spending exercise time watching all three though.
Just keep pushing the groupthink to get out of Google. They can’t be trusted, now, more than ever.
Big problem with that, is we’re heading down the V for Vendetta “everyone uses the government controlled phone” path. Apple’s capitulation just adds more weight against their, “hey we’re completely closed-source, but you can totally trust us as the most secure private phone platform because we said so,” narrative.
Not that there’s a real correct-answer way out of this right now. People will just have to leave platforms and do their own thing.
Mock America Goodly Always
It really displays how those in US governance have astonishingly low IQs. Being run by evil moronic muppets.
Being in America without paperwork isn’t a criminal charge, it is civil, so they aren’t even here illegally, by the definition of the law. They are undocumented immigrants, not illegal.
The Nazis are trying to change the narrative to make it sound like there’s an evil scary cabal of people trying to destroy out country, to move the arrow away from pointing at the Nazis in power.
ICE is already wearing non-pointy ones to hide their faces while they illegally detain people.
22% of US citizens wanted this. That’s how many voted for him. Not even a quarter.
Downvoted the parent post to help.