When Trump lost in 2020 he abused every possible thing he could to try and hold onto power including a (thankfully) unsuccessful coup attempt.
Aaaahahahaahhahha that’s a good one. Just like they stood behind Joe Biden and didn’t tell everyone to fuck Biden or kill him…
They’re STILL not over it. What a crock.
This is American, here you respect result on free election. So you don’t, for instance, start a huge riot with the goal of overturning the election, 14 days before the inauguration of the new president, supporting the movement to hang your VP and attacking the US capitol.
FUN FACT literally the 2nd paragraph of the declaration of Independence gives all Americans the right to overthrow the government if it infringes on your rights and implement a government that better respects your rights
(note, depending on the transcription or print it might not even have paragraphs)
The Declaration of Independence doesn’t give Americans any rights, because it’s not part of the Constitution and it’s not law.
I literally to this day hear redneck chucklefucks whining about Obama.
Why the fuck is this even being entertained? That’s one of trump’s “lawyer” tv hosts. And she’s talking to some right wing rage bait podcaster. Discussing either of their opinions is fucking useless. And OP’s intention in even posting this is likely just to attempt to legitimize one or both them as part of the general discourse. These are scabs on the otherwise festering assume that is the gop. Fucking move on.
Angertainment. Helps keep the division going.
I vote for murder. Im fully okay with killing conservatives even if they arent maga at this point just to be safe. Preferably radiation poisoning
This but not even joking. It’s simple self preservation at this point to eradicate them.
Doesn’t matter. It’s not an equal playing field. She can lie and no one who cares will change anyone’s mind.
my states biggest contribution to the country is Sarah Palin. I am so sorry…
Don’t worry. You’ve been out done since.
Yes, we absolutely have to own when we lose, and we have no finer example of this than MAGA on January 6th, 2021 CE. Because fuck me if that wasn’t an inspirational display of accepting the loss of the presidential election to the democrats. Truly a historic moment for decency, courteousness, virtuousness, stoicism, gallantry, and the actual definition of honor among Americans.
Better believe I make my nieces and nephews watch my VHS tape of that day every year on its anniversary.
Absolutely no qualms with your comment, but I’m just curious. You have January 6th on VHS?
It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. People keep telling me I should “digitize” it to something called an “SD card”, which frankly sounds satanic.
It is.
You’ve heard the phrase “the devil is in the details”…well what is data if not details?
Took a strange turn there, for sure.
Additionally, the problem isn’t that he’s not on the “right team” - it’s that he’s a hateful, dangerous pos that is an actual threat to many citizens and the country at large. But repubs have been screaming the same thing hyperbolically for multiple decades at this point, so now when it’s a real issue, it gets swept under the rug as “sore losers”. People are so fucking stupid.
It’s like the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” story, but with a twist: instead of the boy shouting about wolves, the wolves disguise themselves as townsfolk and keep shouting “wolf” so often that no one takes it seriously anymore. So when the boy finally cries out for help, no one listens.
In the infamous words yelled at Obama by Joe Wilson: " YOU LIE"
They were behind him with a knife in his back at every opportunity from his first day in office.
https://www.politico.com/story/2010/10/the-gops-no-compromise-pledge-044311 :
Here’s John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: “We’re going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
Yeah, like - who was the lead spokesman for the whole “Birther” conspiracy?
Yeah, the guy you’re standing behind.
No public option for healthcare, obstructed supreme Court appointment, yep totally behind him 100%.
when Obama won we stood behind Obama
Show me a SINGLE Fox news or oan clip where they are behind Obama. Doesn’t even need to praise him just… you know… Just one clip where they are not trying to punch him in the nose.
Just one.
Show me a single Republican governor or senator who actually supportes Obama…
Who me one good Obama initiative that wasn’t burned to the ground because Republicans just couldn’t letmovama have a single win because better let Americans suffer than let Democrats have a win. These idiots are petty, small, vengeful and egocentric and have not once given a single fuck about anyone or anything if it wasn’t theirs.
Fuck these idiots
Show me a SINGLE Fox news or oan clip
Only long form clips.