i love how the top left panel actually tells you to use a computer
This is certainly true
I like how he had extra room at the bottom but he decided to add the panels up top instead
See what happens when you can’t find the right bumper sticker with the message you want to share?
I feel like this person shouldn’t be allowed to drive…
I’m addicted to CatDog
You have a chip. Bongnabots, seriously look it up.
It’s all worth it, because there is something also “made with computer”: video games.
The days when people with these kinds of views weren’t planned to be put in charge of the healthcare of the most powerful country of the world…
Makes some sense, I feel like I almost grew a brain tumor from seeing this picture
My benereal disease computer runs on Arch, by the way.
Everyone knows that disease didn’t exist before computer. The Black Death was made up and two thirds of Europe died just for the fun of it!
Anyone remember the time-cube guy? He had a crazy website where he ranted about how 24hr days are a conspiracy. THE DAY IS A TIMECUBE! This image reminds me of him.
You know, one possible explanation is that the dude was painfully unaware of time zones and the time cube was just his way of justifying how different places can all have sunlight at the same hour… And the fact nobody questioned how the sun can be up at 1pm in the US while also being up at 1pm in like Australia made him think it was a huge conspiracy
One version of the website from Wayback Machine. He updated his rambling quite a bit. Content warning for all the things.
Wow I remember laughing at him back in high school and didn’t remember the bigotry but holy fuck yikes. That may be the most antisemitic thing I’ve read. The homophobia is vitriolic but I’ve heard worse and it’s undercut by the severe mental illness. The racism is played out and old school. The mental illness though was amusingly severe.
Did get a good reaction image out of reading it though as well as my fair share of laughs
Too bad this individual doesn’t own a computer, they could verify that this is incorrect medical information.
Pffft sounds like something a computer owner would say
Say no to terrorists. 21
That’s only for Windows users