Of all the kinds of stupid that exist out there, certainly it’s the predictable stupid that is the most frustrating. And of all the kinds of predictable stupid that exist, one of the most predictable forms of stupid is how video games are linked to mass shootings and murders on a clockwork-like cadence. As I’ve said previously, this rush to the video game boogeyman is dumb and should stop. But it won’t.
This shit again! Like the late 80’s all over again.
Late '80s? Don’t you mean early 20th century maybe late 18th century. There’s always a boogeyman. It’s the easiest way to shut off people’s brains and keep them in line.
Conservatives have been pushing two big lies since the 80s. Trickle down economics and this crap.
Just two? They’ve been pushing a revolving multitude of lies since well before the 80’s.
Don’t forget the war on drugs.
I’m just guffawing at the attempt. Billions of dollars to spin the news to protect the 1% and the absolute best they can come up with is Among Us, where players are randomly locked into the role of saboteur.
I’m just sitting here trying to spin this world into something I can relate to and the best I can come up with is that these newscasters, forced to spin the news when they don’t want to, decide to do it in such a moronic fashion that they both save their jobs and at the same time encourage rebellion.
Don’t worry they can play the race war card again and it’ll buy them some time.