$750 a year to maintain health
Yeah, this might be 750 dollars worth of bottom of the barrel, wholesale, oats needed to give the average horse enough calories to survive.
$750/month if you have to stable it.
Fuck your Honda Civic, I’ve a horse outside
I legit love this song and music video and only came to the comments to make sure it was posted in here.
I hadn’t heard it, so thank you and @[email protected].
It’s a great track.
There’s another (of many cool things those artists do) called “sonny”, that is about men’s suicide awareness. It’s not “fun” but I think it’s a great message.
Wow that was a blast from the past! Still a bit of a banger too!
I kinda doubt you are allowed to ride a horse drunk
In North Carolina it’s illegal.
Depends where you ride, iirc
Yes, mostly it’s not allowed as either laws include them specifically or bizarrely they are treated as motor vehicles. There are places that don’t mind though. Pretty much everywhere except Montana, in the US, it is illegal to drive a horse and cart drunk. In the UK it’s illegal to be in charge of cattle on a road drunk. Very inclusive.
In the Netherlands you’re just not allowed to participate in traffic while drunk, so technically you’re not even allowed to bike. No one gives a shit about that one though.
The “where” I was referring to was, yes, by jurisdiction, but also roads versus trails, and public vs private property.
I don’t think the horse pill means what anon thinks it means…
Joe Rogan ruined horsepill posts
The lowest emission vehicle you can own is an electric bike.*
Will cost 1–4k and way less than $750 annually in maintenance. Can get a road-only one or one capable of going off-road. Does not require insurance or licensing. Can’t legally drink and ride, but you’re very unlikely to get caught if you do, and unlike drink driving the risk is overwhelmingly only to yourself.
Keeps you fit and healthy by being active in your daily life.
* yes, lower even than an analogue bike, because the electric motor is more carbon efficient than human muscle power which requires eating more.
Can’t legally drink and ride
On a scale of 1 to YEEEEE-HAAAAWWWWW, I rate that as a yeeeee-NAAWW.
yes, lower even than an analogue bike, because the electric motor is more carbon efficient than human muscle power which requires eating more.
Everytime I saw this claim, it ended up being bullshit. What’s your source?
What’s your source?
A bull.
It’s been a while, but I believe this video was where I heard it. From memory (I’m out right now and can’t rewatch to verify) it was specifically the per-kilometre carbon emissions, not taking into account manufacturing costs.
Obviously there’s some fuziness depending on your diet and the power source used for charging. A vegan who would be charging in a coal-powered grid is going to look better, relatively speaking, for an analogue bike than someone who eats multiple kilos of red meat every week who has solar panels.
I’m not vegan, but I largely replaced by cycling calories w/ oats when I biked to work for a few years, and my area is largely powered by coal and natural gas (not sure on the exact ratio). I haven’t done the math, but I’m guessing I would come out ahead of an electric bike, especially if we included manufacturing and shipping costs for the motor and battery.
You are the horse.
I’ll take that as a compliment.
Where is this guy getting a horse for $1,000 from?
I mean if you want any old horse and can transport it you can often get them for free. They’re like pianos
does a horse not transport itself ?
Not in a way amenable to seal the deal a few cities across, unless you get a one way ride up there and you’re prepared to camp/hotel a few nights on the way back
I see, guess I didn’t plan all the way through
Don’t blame yourself, they just don’t teach horses in school anymore
Isn’t that the point though. He’s replacing his car with a horse because apparently a horse makes more sense in this guy’s world.
If after buying the horse you have to use a vehicle to transport it, doesn’t that invalidate the argument?
you can often get them for free
The maintenance cost of a “free” horse is anything but
Oh I’m not discounting that.
0 emissions
FYI: Horses fart and methane is a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide.
I’m also intrigued by the “costs $1000 and $750/year to maintain” claim, as the horse people I know spend closer to 20x that.
Humans also fart methane, is that a reason not to ride them?
If your ride consents to that, just pug the hole.
they um also breathe
If you need more convincing https://youtu.be/ljPFZrRD3J8?si=bgJHowZxESRcEFle
I think this shows a kind of intellectual impairment.
0 emissions? Methane from cattle is a large contributer to climate change. If we had as much horses as we have cars, the amount of methane would be too much to handle.
Cars run on gas, horses run on grass.
Livestock contribute by land use (deforestation, crops for feed, pasture), water consumption, and the fossil fuel used in logistics processes (farm equipment, transport, electricity, etc…)
But anyways, animal farts come from preexisting carbon in the biosphere. Car farts come from extracting previously sequestered carbon. So without extractive processes, and with ethical land use/management, the atmospheric methane wouldn’t have a significant impact.
Also you fart too. So there’s that…
Also you fart too. So there’s that…
So you’re saying to solve climate change we need to remove the humans? You might be on to something there.
A few select ones would make a massive difference.
But anyways, animal farts come from preexisting carbon in the biosphere. Car farts come from extracting previously sequestered carbon. So without extractive processes, and with ethical land use/management, the atmospheric methane wouldn’t have a significant impact.
Methane is 81x worse that CO2 over 20 Years, so if it came from atmospheric carbon it’s only 80x as bad.
Sure but the generation of new hydrocarbons from sequestered resources means net available carbon increases. You’re totally right that converting existing atmospheric CO2 to methane would have a larger impact. I’m not saying agriculture is off the hook here, nor that we should consider the horse as a solution to climate change, just that we probably wouldn’t need this conversation without fossil fuel extraction.
You will get an OWI if you ride a horse drunk.
Source: I know a guy who trained his horse to ride from the bar to his house on its own. Cops still pulled him over because he was sleeping on the horse.
Dumbest shit ever. I literally have a designated driver under me!
Operating? While Intoxicated
I’m pretty sure it depends on the state and whether or not that state considers a horse to be a vehicle/device. Alabama, for example, I believe does not consider a horse to be either, while I think California does. There’s this story that sometimes gets submitted to TIL-type communities where a man from Louisiana was decided to be ineligible for a DUI charge after doing exactly that, but he was still given a court summons for “disturbing the peace by intoxication”.
In sweden there were some cases where people lost their driving license because they … Walked home drunk so yes it do depends a lot. Guess drunk horse riding there is not legal.
I think you may be talking about endangering traffic, not just walking while drunk.
I’m just here to appreciate horseface gigachad, nei-ei-ei-ei-eighhhhh 😆
Zero emissions? I know people find it ha ha funny, but farts legitimately contain methane and other green house gassses.
Cows for example are a large contributor of GHG
This is complete bs.
Photosynthesis can only get carbon from the atmosphere. This carbon is then turned into plant material in grass. This grass is then eaten by the cow. A small portion of this grass will be converted into methane and other byproducts in the cow’s digestive tracks. Some will be turned to energy for the cow and a vast majority will be shit out as raw unprocessed material. This raw unprocessed material, i.e. cow shit, this will last in the environment sequestering more carbon for longer time than just grass sitting there by itself. A grazed paddock will grow more grass than a non-grazed paddock because the cows are eating the fucking grass. i.e. more carbon from the environment is getting sequestered in the grass and the cow shit.
The only reason that cows get such a bad wrap is that variouse other factors are being counted that really shouldnt be under cows. Deforestation to grow plants to feed livestock, the transportation of meat, livestock feed etc etc.
A properly managed grass fed beef (like what we have here in australia) actually has a net negative effect on ghg. The factory farmed beef eating corn in a shed thats never seen a blade of grass is whats actually causing the ghg seen in the reports.
We have already seen this narrarive been used to strongarm small farmers grazing cattle while the multinational farms get away with fucking the environment cos they can afford the cost of beurocracy.
We are all just 3 warm meals away from anarchy thats somethibg we should di well to remember.
Tldr: cows in sheds eating corn is the problem, cows eating natural grass actually sequester more carbon than an empty field.
Ps. Its not “cow flatulence” its “enteric fermentation” (burps) cow farts just makes a better headline.
I can’t believe my eyes, someone that isn’t spouting the usual bullshit about cows and GHG on Lemmy.
I’ll be gobsmacked.
I think you should’ve put TL;DR in the beginning, otherwise it looked like you’re arguing cows don’t fart, when you were actually about net effect.
I never thought about it from this side, but it makes sense, and seems like another way big corporations fuck the world up.
Good shout.
Its a classic case of simple answer to a complex problem that nobody really thinks about cos it sounds vaguely reasonable in a headline.
plus if we had as many horses as we did cars we would be living in a horse shit apocalypse.
Compress into brick, then build tower. Now you also have tower.
I generously donate my castle composed entirely out of horse shit to you kind sir.
Only you can solve the housing crisis
Foreever gratefull I am
We don’t need more Trump towers thx
And it’ll be built like a shit-brick house
Yep before the automobile streets were covered in horseshit.
If you think a horse has the environmental impact of an automobile, I have a bridge to sell you
Horses aren’t cows
Look at how much calories a horse needs per day, and then look at how much CO2 gets emitted to produce said food. Even the amount of CO2 a horse exhales per day is already significant.
I mean you’re not wrong but no matter how small an impact it’s still not ZERO emissions, so the guy you’re replying to is technically correct.
Ah yes, good ole technically correct, the weakest and most schlubby shade of correct, whatever would we do without it?
Actually, it’s the best kind of correct. But hey, don’t let all that butt hurt bother you. I hear there’s a cream for that.
I love that I agreed with you and you STILL felt aggrieved, lol.
Jokes on you, clown, I’m never butt-hurt, only butt-turned-on!
Disdaining the “technically correct” pedants is freeing, try it sometime, you might like it ;)
Alright, I’ve decided we’re besties now. Good exchange, buddy. Good exchange. :3
Seriously though, I’m smiling.
<3 Based and Horsepilled!
Source on point 2 ?
I, uh, errr, uhhhhh…
Motions vaguely at the four-legged animals
They’re just different, trust me, okay???
I dunno, I’ll have to do my own research on this one, my third cousin’s dog walkers nephew’s barber said he read a tweet declaring they were actually the same animal, just one ate more as a youth and has an accent due to the weight.
Horse is the male, cow is the female. Just like dogs and cats.
White cows make normal milk, brown cows make chocolate milk. That’s just science
And if you’re fancy, you’ll find red cows that make strawberry milk.
If you think a horse has the environmental impact of an automobile
At what point reading my comment did you come up with this?
Ok, no cow riding.
Lmao $750 a year 😭
Yeah those prices might have been accurate about a century ago.
Horses can’t be beat in the post-apocalypse for speed, but for most other things you probably want a donkey or mule. Far sturdier, easier to handle, can eat anything, and has no regard for wolves.
As long as there’s roads or smooth paths left, an ordinary person can do 200 km in a day on a bicycle. A quick search tells me that specifically trained horses can do 160 km in an endurance race. Sure a horse would probably be the fastest in a sprint, but a bicycle has the best travel speed.
All roads are gonna be blocked by defunct cars. If we’re more than 5-10 years into the post-apocalypse, the roads are gonna be a series of craters. Still, a mountain bike will beat a horse in terms of utility. I wonder how the two compare in terms of repair-ability.
Horses self-replicate, which bicycles can’t do. Except maybe in the Netherlands, I think they do breed over there.
Not sure I want to watch that nature video…
How else to explain this?
There’s a lot more roads than there are cars to fill them and the good thing about bikes is that if you can get past an obstacle on foot, you can carry your bike while doing so. Even if the major highways get blocked by the occasional massive pileup that you can’t climb over while carrying your bike, you can always take the smaller road. And where would all the craters come from? How many artillery batteries and mortar companies do you expect to see in the post-apocalypse?
How many artillery batteries and mortar companies do you expect to see in the post-apocalypse?
Surely they would have had their fill at the start of the apocalypse, no?
Eh, depends on if we go out with a bang or a whimper. I’m betting it’s going to be the latter.
If not, then it’s likely that nukes put a stop to the artilleryfest before it has a chance to really get going. And my point about there being a lot of roads in the world still stands. No military would start to target roads in any meaningful scale when they’re going to save their precious shells for the enemy.
Right, but where are the enemy likely to be? Along major roads and highways. Armies need to move their military equipment somehow, so that’s where you’re likely to see the bombs being used the most. That, and in cities to control the movements of your enemy. I doubt we’d jump straight to nukes, it’s more likely going to be a slog fest with traditional weapons until one of the sides gets desperate (e.g. Russia v Ukraine).
I wonder how the two compare in terms of repair-ability.
So long as you have at least two, horses conveniently produce additional horses which makes repair-ability less of an issue. You simply eat the broken horse, if possible.
Honestly, as long as you have enough horses, you don’t need to wait for them to break in order to eat them, use them for a few years and upgrade to a newer model.
Bikes are pretty simple machines. Even if it rides like shit you can keep it rolling with duct tape, a hammer, and spit. Horses are brittle. Injuries that other animals walk off are a death sentence to them, and even with lesser injuries, it takes time to heal
I’ve never really interacted with them, but from what I’ve read, they have no regard for much of anything.
And why would they