God damn it, Bones. Don’t make me feel sorry for a robot.
You mean the Negotiating Instrument?
The person training the AI never expected to have to talk to a sovcit, Squid.
Of course, it’s the human that they get transferred to eventually that I really feel sorry for.
Artificial Intelligence versus Human Stupidity!
Let them fight.
It’s going to be pretty funny if they get one of these bots to accept their “coupons”. It’s been upheld in court that the bots can agree to things in a legally binding manner for the company. I hope this sort of thing works, because it’s the only way companies will have real support, if the bot costs them more money by being stupid.
Oh my god that would be hilarious.
It’s only fair.
If the bot is your agent, you’re responsible for its work.
Business have always been responsible for supervising their employees and this is no different.
I love it. I’m rooting for them.
It’s hard not to. It’d be nice to see AI blow up in a company’s face at the hands of a sovcit.
I really want to know how the rest of this played out.
This tale is just beginning but I’ll keep you posted.
Come here, babe. There’s a new series that just came out!
Of all the companies to try and defraud, Cricket? You’re trying to send the cheapest carrier your made up money?