Guess I’m pressing the button, then. Either I become a billionaire and can do whatever I want, or I become a femboy, make bank with photos, videos, and streams of myself, and use the money to do slightly less of whatever I want.
Is it an or, or an xor?
So i just have to keep pressing until i get both?
If you get the left, you can afford to become the right.
I mean one-button instant transformation into something cute is a lot easier than surgery and all that.
I don’t think it’s nearly as easy to become a perfect cute femboy, as it is to transition. I might be wrong but it’s something you really need to get lucky with.
Ew. Rather not…
Worry about who was exploited for all that money.
Can I just be a millionaire? 750,000 aire? Tbh 300,000 would solve every conceivable problem in my life
Who wants to be a millionaire?
Easily. Step 1: become a billionaire, as in the image. Step 2: create 999 millionaires. Congratulations, you’re now a millionaire!
What if it was exclusively enthusiastic Fox News viewers?
I wouldn’t want to exploit the already overexploited mentally ill people
more exploitation for me to do
It’s magic. Just like the transformation.
I’m not even trans but being young again would be worth it.
“… and that’s why I look like this now, mom.”
I’m already a cute femboy, I would want to be rich though.
So, you already pressed the button?
Not exactly, just kinda got a lucky roll on the genetic lottery.
but imagine long pink natural hair
That would be neat, and would make dying it easier in some ways.
How many times can i push the button? What happens if i femboy myself twice?
Maybe you get upgraded to fem-man?
or femgirl :3
Sounds like a Mega Man boss. Femme Man, maybe? You get Skirt Spin, which is like Top Sin but cute and useful
If I had to be stuck with a feminine body I’d probably just go the rest of the way and get some boobs
How to make imaginary button real?
If I get the money I’ll just use it to start my life over as a cute and mousy cottage core lady.
How is this even a question? There’s no downside.
They’re the same thing. One leads to the other either way.
Except I’m not sure there’s as direct a route from trans girl to billionaire.
The trans->hot->$$$ pipeline
I think basically everyone here would press both as many times as they could, there’s no downside
I might actually press the button zero times. Genuinely. I am pretty well convinced by now that being a billionaire is a mental health disaster, and I’m cis.
But being thin again would be nice…