Heman Bekele was inspired by Ethiopian workers laboring under the sun, and wanted to help ‘as many people as possible’
A middle-school teen has been named “America’s top young scientist” after developing a bar of soap that could be useful in the treatment of melanoma, a skin cancer that is diagnosed in about 100,000 people in the US each year and kills approximately 8,000.
Lets get 1 thing straight, no he most likely didnt invent this, a team at 3M did. You always see these stories about rich kids and how they did this amazing thing while at their internship where their dad is the lab manager/owner when in reality these companies just wanted a poster child who was just some intern that is still learning about what titration means. I would bet that the extent of this kids biochemistry knowledge is that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
Also almost certainly doesn’t work as the headline describes.
“Teenagers cures cancer” is shameless click bait.
Aaaand patented. JandJ’s new cancer bars require you to use the soap everyday for the rest of your life to stave off the cancer.
To stave off cancer caused by their other products
Sponsored by 3M. Cool, so now they can give the soap to all people living near their PFAS plants.
Does it actually work?
deleted by creator
He has a five-year plan
this is one of those business buzzwords that makes my skin crawl
Yes, a timeline and plan for reaching a goal. So buzzy.
Hard eye roll. Many people plan in 1, 2, 5, 10, and 25 year timelines. This is reductio ad hitleriam taken to its limit point. I’m super glad you’re not a teacher.
I was thinking the similar. It’s used in business because it works. Most likely some of the anti-work crowd spouting of crap they think they know about but in reality don’t.
Work is hard. I’m against bullshit jobs and exploiting labor, but there’s no world without people getting up, getting off their phones, and getting to work. There’s a nascent sentiment that we would go back to “how it was,” and that we should only work to do things that are beautiful.
We should have more time for that. But your shit goes somewhere. Your trash goes somewhere. And you need to eat. As someone that’s shoveled shit, hauled trash, grown food, and hunts, that’s not easy work. You can’t just wake up one morning with the clarity that no one should do anything they don’t want to do. Everyone needs to do things they don’t want to do.
Work is honorable, and the hardest work I’ve done in my life was the lowest paying, most disrespected, most valuable work I’ve ever done. The fact that we’ve lost sight of that is troubling.
Pay people well. Very well. And if you went to college for it, then you should get paid less than the people that do the actual work, so they can get paid more. Cut the top end off most companies. They went to college too. I went to college, I work a white-collar job. I’m happy and financially comfortable. I know for the real workers to get paid more, I’ll need to be paid less. A college degree doesn’t mean you deserve to be paid more.
That’s just my opinion, and I could be (and likely am) wrong. I’ve been wrong a lot in my life. I’m a better person for it, because I realized it. So there’s a lot of evidence to support the fact that my opinion is wrong. But because I’ve been wrong so often and have tried to grow each time, I’m less wrong than I used to be. I wake up each morning comforted by how I’ve handled my failures.
Success is a fleeting feeling for me. Earned knowledge from my failures and the knowledge that I’ve tried to recognize them and improve myself each time makes me sleep quite happy at night. And when I’m doing something, my fear of failure shrinks every year.
Whenever you read “X-year old does something”, it’s usually already been done or a slight modification of something already been done.
Don’t underestimate our ability to miss the obvious. You’re talking about the race that over 3000 or so years, forgot scurvy was cured by vitamin C over 10 times.
They also used to shape steel wire by pulling it really hard through a kinda steel funnel. This works because the tensile strength of steel is much higher than its yield strength, so you can pull on it with more force than it takes to shape it, without it snapping.
Back in the day, we figured out corrosion helped make the steel slippery when it went through the shaping tool. We though it was because some dudes pissed on the steel, so for a while after people pissed on their steel. Until people started figuring out beer worked just as well, and then half beer half water.
Until they finally realized water worked just as well to create corrosion. It took a couple hundred years.
Sometimes it just takes someone to think about it and do it. At 14 that’s incredible, kids aren’t that selfless at that age.
At 14 that’s incredible
It’s incredible to have the opportunity to mentor with a senior research analyst at 3M.
Wish more kids were given this kind of opportunity without going six figures into debt
There’s no way that dude is 14. Perhaps I’ve been staring at AI creepiness too long but that guy is easily mid 20’s.
So this is a 21 Jump Street scenario, except with medicine?