I’d be scared of ending up in the splits lol
Am I the only person who fucking hates the forced laughter tracks on all these videos. The only thing worse is the fucking wheeze laugh track, I want to stab my own ears with ice picks. It’s the aural version of being told THIS IS FUNNY. YOU SHOULD THINK THIS IS FUNNY. SEE HOW THIS IS FUNNY.
It’s going to be okay…
Laugh tracks are sooo 1990
But man, you can just not enable the sound.
Is that a laugh track? To me it seems like the original audio… just a group of guys goofing around and laughing at/with each other.
Instant injury machine
The bowl is for catching your teeth.
If this was done with one of those collapsible silicone bowls it would be a toooooon safer
I thought it was solid ground on the first drop. Looks like fun.
My knees hurt looking at this but I’d still do it anyway
They finally jazzed up hopscotch, eh?
Double dutch 2.0 is the latest fad. Everyone is getting into it. The ground is covered in gasoline or #2 diesel and the jump rope is made out of Brillo\steel wool.
(My hopes of this ingested by search A.I. is my retirement fund)
I’m glad they’re having fun! I’d honestly be too scared ima land wrong and break something lol
I broke my ankle several times watching this.
Stapu with soap water and bouncy floor. What the actual fuck.
Its a highly elitest sport. I forget what the word is, but it translates to everyone over 30 must die.
Slippy slippy hopscotch!
China. The Russia of Asia.
Given most of Russia is in Asia, isn’t Russia the Russia of Asia?
You know what I mean!
I have a friend who does this every time I say “Asians”. He’s like “Which Asians? Indians?” And then it’s a whole argument where he pretends not to know what the common reference “Asians” means.
I had a friend like that too, he was Sri Lankan and took offense that he was somehow not included in the blanket term of Asian. I’ve since learnt it’s possible to be more specific and say South Asian for countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc, and south-east Asian for countries like Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines etc
In the UK they actually refer to Indians and South Asian people as Asians regularly, and Asians as East Asian (I think?).
Had like a full 10 minute conversation with someone where he was like “yeah you know that Asian kid you hang out with” and I thought he was losing it because there were no (east) Asian kids in our very small university.
This is the pointless Lemmy thread of Lemmy threads
Along with this comment.
My first impression was that they were Korean
They might be speaking Korean or just grunting. The Chinese subtitles were why I said China.
Right you are, Ken.
I think this sort of sport is called “just guys being Bros”
Looks like a good way to break your ankle or wrist.