Is this the guy who makes alt right comics?
Edit: yeah, it’s George Alexopoulos. They’re a good artist, but they’re pretty nasty. I wouldn’t post their stuff.
This is an edit, original had the bible
“They’re the same picture”
I’ve seen a few great Linux memes with this, but I think the biggest insult would be for people to use it as a template for things he doesn’t believe in.
Mockery is the sincerest form of insult. I hope this meme lasts forever.
I never knew why people need to conflate the personality or political opinions of the artist with the art they make.
In my opinion, even if the artist is a terrible human being they can still produce some good art. And even if the art they produce is crap, it can still prove valuable, as it can be parodied, modified, transformed or mocked.
Are you ignoring the fact that the artist in question specifically makes anti-left propoganda? Like it’s literally their entire identity to try (and fail) to make fun of leftist politics
Cause literally everything is in the wiki, written out very simply. Rewriting that in a chat and email would be counter productive.
As a noob to Linux: THERE’S A WIKI? Awesome!
As a mechanic: Everything I deal with comes with an instruction manual that has the steps written out simply… for a mechanic.
If I didn’t ask the simple questions when I first started, despite having the manual available, never would have learned the basics from someone who knows.
I’m not trying to sound combative or anything, just that sometimes a person needs a small stepping stone of an answer to progress.
I was just getting into Linux desktop development. I asked one question regarding getting the position of a mouse on some Ubuntu developer forum. The response drove me away from developing for Linux and I never returned.
Okay but tbf the arch wiki is probably the only source of online documentation that is actually up to date lol.
I abuse it for literally every stupid corner case on any distro
lovehate it when it’s a fairly simple issue and the op gets everything but the answer because people just want to talk shit.“Just Google it!”
Proceeds to Google the issue, top result is the same thread.