I wish him the luck he deserves
Oh, I guess Poilievre is Canada’s public enemy No. 3 or 4?
kinda sad that trump is gonna take canada either way :-(
America: Invades Canada
Geneva Convention authors: FFS, here we go again. How many new crimes will we have to add?
i mean it seems like trying to conqure another country is the only crime that needs to be listed
Just look at our history in war
If they invade Canada I will make it a personal goal to come up with as many new entries as I can.
War crimes are bad but if the US invades us theyre gonna feel sooooo good.
Sovereignty is non-negotiable. Canada can not simply be “taken”, and the citizens of Canada will fight tooth and nail to protect ourselves. Are Americans truly going to be invested in occupying a country where a guerrilla insurgency against them will last for generations, where “the enemy” is indistinguishable from the occupiers, speaking the same language, and essentially looking the same?
They didn’t have the stomach for it in Iraq or Afghanistan, and barring some nuclear crimes against humanity, they won’t have the stomach for it in Canada either.
It’s not “kinda sad” that Trump wants to “take” Canada. It’s shameful that a longtime friend and ally is being treated in such despicable terms and that our sovereignty is being ignored. If this is how America treats its allies; what good is America’s word for anyone on the world stage?
Afghanistan and Iraq weren’t bordering them either. How much more of a threat would that insurgency have been if they could cross the world’s largest land border to strike inside American home territory?
Canadian insurgents could cross in and remain undetected far enough to strike anywhere in the US.
i still think it’s kinda sad
Remember all the O&G and oligarch funded propaganda over the last two years, to get Poilievre into people’s heads. It now turning sour in Canadians’ minds is the most delicious turn of events for me.