Unnecessary and deeply concerning bow to the new “king”
Hmm… is Tuta still good these days?
It’s not bad
Talking from a usability standpoint it’s gotten much better. It’s still slow to open the app but the search got much better.
I am not a security expert, but I remember reading Proton is not really secure?
Noooo pls noooo
Hypothetically, if Hitler saved a child from being hit by a car would you publicly sing Hitlers praises and be happy to make positive quotes about it?
Does being on the right side of a single issue negate everything else?
I guess it’s time to look at self-hosted cloud storage services like NextCloud, OwnCloud, Seafile, CryptPad etc. that can replace Proton Drive, but does anyone have any recommendations for a secure email service to replace Proton Mail? From what I read on r/selfhosted, while you can technically run your own email server, it’s just not worth it.
Damn, this sucks. I fled Google for Proton and use it for email, files, and my own domain email.
People have private lifes. CEO‘s too. I don’t see why I should remotely care what the personal opinion of a CEO is. And I am deeply concerned that this is such a big deal, no matter what their opinion is.
If you have a personal problem with that, that‘s totally okay. Putting them on a stand, is not okay. Let them have an opinion. Debate if you disagree. But stop making such a scene out of everything.
Sad. The way tech companies are changing stripes, we are about to hit a surveillance state by summer
I don’t understand how everyone can be so blind to the surveillance that already exists.
Literally all your communications or purchase or browsing history, 90% of people’s photos and contacts, everything you ever say near your phone/smart devices, your health data with devices like fitbit, cm resolution spy satelites, 4D maps of the entire globe being created via services like Pokemon Go, phones create and store in the cloud high resolution 3D maps of your face, mesh networked devices like Alexa now surveil without you even having internet access, your home and your exact location down to a meter are already being live spied on. Not to mention full remote access to all your devices.
Sometimes with a thin veneer of privacy on top of it, like Apple pretends to have.
Basically the only part of you that the surveillance state doesn’t constantly surveil already is your butthole.
Even avoiding just 10% of this surveillance in your daily life is almost impossible.
It’s like people were born after Snowden’s leaks
Soon smart toilets will also surveil your butthole.
The US are a surveillance state already. But I guess it could get even worse.
It’s like everyone forgot about the Patriot Act and NSA stuff. This shit has been going on through at least 4 different presidents. And that’s just the modern surveillance state.
Clearly unpredictable times with a guilty criminal as president who clearly has dictatorial/fascist tendencies…so the only option, get all slimey to still get a piece of the cake in the future
I can understand being fine with a nomination that aligns with his personal interests but from there the journey to « party of small people » likely takes a convoluted path.
It’s probably just a language thing. When he says small people he means sub-mega corporations. Actual humans probably pass beneath his notice.
So you’re thinking he means small in terms of Proton vs Google.
Well, he’s clearly not talking about small people like say, me or you compared to Trump or Musk. And let me be clear, he is probably wrong about that as well. If Trump is anti-google that is likely nothing more than a negotiating position.
I just assumed Google was kissing the ring to avoid antitrust.
The little man does some heavy lifting
I fucking love Oh Brother, Where Art Thou
As it’s usually the case.
It’s ridiculous how many people just go “oh well time to dump Proton” because of a picture (not even a link) of a tweet without context. Also the title is misleading. Andy Yen in this picture is complementing Trump, and also apperently posting facts about who started the antitrust actions. “Embracing” is, really, as I have written, misleading.
Embracing politicians… 🤦
My take is that a libertarian who thinks big government (or the spooky 👻 deep state) is out to get him is an attitude I want for the ceo of a privacy company.
If Trumps associates are going to jail for refusing to turn over passwords to their proton accounts, then I think the service is working.
Gonna be super funny when Trump turns on him anyways though, and bans proton from the US, because only his privacy actually matters.
Very disappointing that this is the CEO and founder of Proton. I’ll be moving my stuff elsewhere and deleting my account this week.
Where are you moving? I’m interested in alternatives to Proton Mail and Proton Drive
Mail I have sorted it out with Tuta and passwords with bitwarden.
Now I need a Drive alternative. Any suggestions?
Self-hosted Nextcloud?
Just canceled my subscription.
Pop goes the weasel